Send an SMS to contact

Send an SMS to contact

This file will show how to send a SMS to a contact.
To send SMS from ARO you need to Activate the SMS function first.
  1. Go to the "Marketing" menu and click on "Send SMS".
  2. Select the desired Sender ID, this is the mobile number or Name that the recipients will see on the SMS.

  3. If you have permission to send SMS messages on behalf of another user, you can select them in the Sender drop down.

  4. Use the "Recipients" field to add a single contact. 
    To send to multiple contacts you should use the SMS Campaigns function

  5. If the SMS message is in regards to a listing, select the listing and the SMS message will show against that listing as a communication.

  6. Enter the SMS message into the message field.

  7. Click "Preview" to see how many SMS credits you will use.

  8. Click "Send SMS".