Adding images to Outcomes

Adding images to Outcomes

The Outcome page has the ability to either display images or input videos. 
Note: if choosing video, it needs to be hosted in a third party platform such as YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, etc.

1. Make sure there is an outcome page created, if not, follow the instructions from the article  "How to Create an Outcome Page"

2. Locate the image/video section from the left-hand side menu bar.

3. If image

3.1 click the Upload button to search for the desired image.
3.2 choose the image and add it to your Outcome.
3.3 click the Save button located at the bottom-left corner.

4. If video

4.1 click the Video button.
4.2 copy and paste the embed code from the video hosting platform where the video is located.
4.3 click the Save button located at the bottom-left corner.
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