Manual Assignment

Manual Assignment

Manual Assignment allows a Cinch Agent to force assign a Service Job to a specific Service Professional if needed. The Service Professional must be Active in our system in order to manually assign to them.
ServiceBench and Zoho do not allow manual assignment to Sears or GE. The Service Job must be reassigned.

When to use this process:

  1. In the Potential Recall process when the original Service Professional does not appear in the calendar and must be contacted to determine availability and then assigned to the new Service Job.
  2. Creating multiple item same trade Service Jobs where the same Service Professional must be assigned to all related jobs in the same appointment.
  3. Assigning a Service Job to a known Out-of-Network Service Provider Account.
  4. Assigning a reimbursement Service Job to the "Reimbursement Only" Service Provider Account.
  5. Assigning a Service Job to Procure Vendor so that Dispatch can identify and assign a Service Professional.
  6. Allows Dispatch to manually assign an identified network Service Professional to a Service Job as part of their Procure Vendor process.



Customer Service agents must get a Supervisor override in order to manually assign within Zoho.
  1. Begin Warranty Service Request process.
  2. On the Assign SP pop-up, select Force Assign, then click Continue.

  3. Select Manually Assign in the Force Assign pop-up.

  4. Agent will send the Case Number to their Supervisor for override.
  5. Once the Supervisor Override is complete, the agent will need to refresh the page and continue with process.
  6. There will now be a field to enter the Service Professionals Account Number, enter number then click Assign.

  7. The Service Request will now be assigned to the Service Professional, continue with the Warranty Service Request process.
  8. Enter notes advising the reason for manual assignment.


  1. Create the Service Order.
  2. Add Service Job.
  3. Update the Problem Code, then click Manually Assign.

  4. In the Manually Assign pop-up, click the Search icon.

  5. Enter either the Account Number, the Company Number, or the Company Name in the Service Provider Lookup pop-up and click Search.

  6. Select the Service Professional.
  7. The Manually Assign pop-up will now have the selected Service Professionals account filled in, click Manually Assign.

  8. The Service Job will now be assigned to that Service Professional, click Submit.
  9. Enter notes in the Comments advising the reason for manual assignment, then click Save.

    Helpful Links

    i-Knowledge Help System - Partner Teams
    i-Knowledge Help System - Internal Teams

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