NPF: Authorizations

NPF: Authorizations

Cinch does not require out-of-network providers to call in for pre-approval on No Provider Found Service Jobs. However, there are cases where the provider may insist on providing the Service Report over the phone or call in with coverage questions.
  1. Locate the Service Job in ServiceBench.
  2. Advise the provider that pre-approval is not required for the work to be completed. Once they have completed the repair/replacement, we ask they provide the customer with an itemized invoice/receipt that includes the following:
    1. Date of repair
    2. Service Provider's name, mailing address, and contact information
    3. Total amount paid and payment method
    4. Model and Serial number of the failed unit/item
    5. Brief description of how it failed and what caused the failure
    6. Itemized list of parts with part numbers and cost of each part used to repair unit/item
    7. Itemized labor including number of hours and cost per hour

Provider insists on submitting Service Report over the phone

Proceed to one of the scenarios below:

Provider is NOT willing to accept 3rd party billing or Cinch supplied parts and we are reimbursing the customer.

No profile is required to be created. The job will be finalized and the claim (if applicable/eligible) for a payable to the customer is created under the No Provider Found profile.
The same information is gathered and entered in the Service Job Comments and the same effort to negotiate and document the providers pricing is expected.
  1. Remind the customer that a copy of their paid, detailed invoice is required for all reimbursements made on behalf of the warranty.
  2. The customer is to submit the paid invoice to 
  3. The Authorizer is to create and approve the claim and accept the claim credit.
  4. Payment will be processed once the paid invoice is received and reviewed.

Provider IS willing to accept 3rd party billing or accept Cinch supplied parts and is NOT in our system.

The agent must completely fill out and submit the ServiceBench Owner Co Set Up Request Form.
The provider profile will need to be set up before we can formally enter the Service Report into the required fields and/or parts.
  1. Include all requested information (including their Tax ID#)
  2. Capture all details of the Service Report, possible non-covered items/services, and cost to repair/replace.
    1. This must be entered in the Service Job Comments along with their Company Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number, and Contact Name.
  3. Attempt to negotiate pricing just as we would with an in-network provider using the price and labor guide, or if they are willing to use Cinch supplied parts/equipment.
  4. If the requested amount is within the agent's approval limit, provide pre-approval without creating a claim and document all pricing in the Service Job Comments.
    1. If the requested amount is over the agent's approval limit, obtain approval from a Supervisor/Authorizations Specialist.
  5. A W9 tax form must be submitted to process payment to the provider. The document should be sent to and must include the Service Job Number or Property Address.
  6. SP can also email an invoice along with their W9 to  and must include the Service Job Number or Property Address.
  7. Document the entire interaction in the existing Service Job Comments until the No Provider Found profile is set up and assigned.
  8. Create the SS-Owner Co Claim Review Exception in an Open status.
  9. This allows us to track the progress of the case through the process.

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