Potential Recall: Authorizations

Potential Recall: Authorizations

When a Service Professional calls in with a Service Report on a Potential Recall, the Authorizations Agent will research job history, time frame, etc. to verify whether this is a True Recall. Based on the findings, the agent will either move forward with the recall or cancel the recall and create a new Service Request with a new deductible owed by the customer. 
  1. Capture all Service Report details in Note Pad or a Word Document.
    1. We will not be entering part details on a recall job on the actual Service Job in the event that it is not a True Recall.
  2. Sears, GE, and LG are excluded from this process. Continue to handle recalls assigned to these SP's as they are handled currently in ServiceBench.

True Recall

If the report indicates this is a True Recall:
  1. Enter the full report and part information as normal on the Service Job in ServiceBench.
  2. When communicating with the original SP, remind them of their agreement with us to uphold the workmanship guarantee and follow the guidelines below when approving the claim.


Part Failed

SP Supplied

Cinch Supplied

Original SP

Same Part

Waive ALL: Service Fee, Parts, and Labor

Waive Service Fee

Approve labor and travel fee if requested

Enter a PR-Return Exception for Cinch supplied part.

Different Part

Waive Service Fee

Approve new Part and Labor

New SP


Approve ALL covered fees.

Not a True Recall

If the report indicates this is NOT a True Recall:
  1. Collect all report information and pricing from the SP.
    1. Enter pertinent report details in the Service Explanation field in ServiceBench
    2. This field will auto populate in the new Service Request
    3. Collect all part information and keep the information in your note pad, word doc, etc.
    4. Part information will need to be entered manually on the new Service Request
  2. Advise the SP the recall job will be cancelled and they will receive an email with the new Service Request details.
  3. Follow normal procedures to end the call with the SP.

Create the New Service Request

  1. Swivel to Zoho.
  2. Select the Cases tab, then click the Magnifying Glass.
  3. Paste the Service Job Number from ServiceBench in the Search bar to locate the Service Request in Zoho.
  4. Search results will populate. Select the correct result to open the Zoho Case that houses the Service Request.
  5. The Case will open.
  6. Click the Expand Menu, then select Service Request.
  7. Capture the SP Name and Account Number.
    1. The Account Number is required to Force Assign the job to the original SP.
  8. Click Cancel Recall.
  9. Select the Cancel Reason, be sure the Initiate Service box is checked, then click Confirm.

  10. Zoho will create a new case and will auto populate the information from the cancelled recall job.
  11. Verify the auto populated information is accurate, update if needed, then click Next.
  12. Under Service Job Information, select the Symptom Code from the drop-down and verify the Problem Description is accurate, then click Next.
  13. The Assign SP pop-up will display, select Force Assign, then click Continue.
  14. On the Force Assign pop-up, select Manually Assign, paste the original SP Account Number in the Account Number field, then click Assign.
  15. The Service Request will update with the SP's information.
  16. Scroll to the bottom of the screen. The Service Description will auto populate. Enter Special Instructions as needed, then click Next.
  17. The Deductible Collection pop-up will display.
    1. Agent must make an outbound call to the customer to collect the deductible and surcharge fees. Be sure to fully explain the reason for the new non-refundable deductible and surcharge collection.
    2. If the customer pushes back, review with a supervisor for approval to waive the payment. Be sure to document who gave approval in the comments.
      1. For the deductible, select Waive Deductible and select the Waive Reason.
      2. For the surcharge, select Waive Surcharge and document the reason in the Comments.
      3. For additional Talking Points and Rebuttal Scripting for the surcharge, view the Service Fee Surcharge Script article.
  18. Read the Surcharge Disclaimer to the customer, click Close, then check the I have read the disclaimer box.

  19. Sears and Goodman Warranties are excluded from the Surcharge Fee therefore will not show this disclaimer.
  20. Read the Service Call Fee/Deductible Collection Script VERBATIM to the customer.
  21. Select Pay with Card, then click Submit.

  22. Verify the caller is the card holder, billing address is correct, and collect the card information, then click Submit.
  23. The Information pop-up will display with a Payment ID to give the customer. Give information, then click OK.
  24. The Deductible screen will display again, click Confirm Appointment.
  25. The Service Request has now been submitted.
  26. Swivel to ServiceBench to enter the Service Report details, part information, and documentation on the new job.
    1. Search in SB with the new Service Job ID or click the hyperlink in the case details panel
  27. Enter a Service Job Comment in ServiceBench to advise the SP of the new job details and deductible status. Save as Public with Email.

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