Reimbursement Service Request

Reimbursement Service Request

Find and Verify Customers/Contracts/Coverage

There is a separate article for finding and verifying customers and contracts: Finding and Verifying Customers/Contracts/Coverage.

Create a Reimbursement Service Request in ServiceBench

  1. Click New Job in the Customer Engagement Center in ServiceBench to open the Create Service Order screen.
  2. Select Reimbursement from the Service Request drop-down list.
  3. Enter the following in the Product section:
    1. Product Line
    2. Model ID
    3. Serial Number
    4. Brand
    5. Manufacturer
    6. Unit Location
  4. Enter "Reimbursement Service Request" in the Description field.
  5. Select Standard from the Severity drop-down list.
  6. Click Add Service Job to display the Create Service Job screen and enter a brief description in the Description field.
  7. Select Reported Surge Event from the Problem Code drop-down list.
  8. Click Manually Assign to launch the Manually Assign screen.
  9. Click Search next to the Manually Assign Service Provider field to launch the Service Provider Lookup screen.
  10. Enter "Reimbursement Only" in the Company Name field and click Search; results are displayed in a table below the search criteria.
  11. Locate the correct result from the search result list and select the Check Mark next to the line item. This closes the Search screen and populates the Service Provider company number in the Manually Assign pop-up.
  12. Click Manually Assign to close the pop-up and return you to the Edit/View Service Job screen.
  13. Click Submit. This updates the Service Job ID
  14. Enter comments describing the call interaction in the Comments field.
  15. Provide the Service Job ID and the SurgeProtect procedures to the customer.
  16. Ensure customer has the SurgeProtect Claim Form and enter a Mail Correspondence form if necessary.

Log the Call in Zoho Desk

There is a separate article for associating and logging a call: Logging a Call in Zoho Desk.


A Reimbursement Service Request is used for a SurgeProtect Customer. The Service Request is manually assigned to Reimbursement Only instead of a Service Provider. Customer has their own Service Provider come out and do the work, then they submit bill for reimbursement. 

    Helpful Links

    i-Knowledge Help System - Partner Teams
    i-Knowledge Help System - Internal Teams

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