Reschedule a Service Request

Reschedule a Service Request

Find and Verify Customers/Contracts/Coverage

There is a separate article for finding and verifying customers and contracts: Finding and Verifying Customers/Contracts/Coverage.

Reschedule the Service Appointment in Zoho Desk

  1. Select an appropriate reason from the Reschedule Reason drop-down list.
  2. Click Reschedule to open the Calendar screen.
  3. Select the customer's requested date from the calendar.
  4. Click Next > OK to return to the Service Request page. This page is updated with the newly selected service date.
  5. Enter comments in the Add Comments field; select Private Comment Type. Click Save All > OK.
Reschedule the Service Appointment with a Third-Party
If the Service Provider assigned is not a Sears provider, but from an outside third party, inform the customer you will put them on hold and contact the Service Provider directly. Proceed with the following:
  1. Place the caller on hold.
  2. Call the assigned Service Provider.
    1. If the Service Provider answers, explain the customer needs to reschedule the service appointment and ask if they can accommodate the request:
      1. If yes: connect the customer to the call and wait for the Service Provider and customer to schedule a new date.
      2. If no: inform the customer to reach out directly to the Service Provider to reschedule.
    2. If there is no answer re-assign the service request to a different provider - See Re-assign a Service Request

Log the Call in Zoho Desk

There is a separate article for associating and logging a call: Logging a Call in Zoho Desk.


Rescheduling a service job is generally just for a Sears job. If customers need to reschedule a non-Sears job, the Customer Service Representative can call the Service Provider to see if they have availability. Barring availability or inability to contact, the CSR may choose to re-assign the service request to another service provider.

    Helpful Links

    i-Knowledge Help System - Partner Teams
    i-Knowledge Help System - Internal Teams

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