Assigning Work| Cases & Tasks

Assigning Work| Cases & Tasks

As we transition to Zoho Desk for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), ServiceBench activities and Customer email communication create cases and tasks for resolution within Zoho. Cinch teams have been created within Zoho to handle the work (cases and tasks) to support Cinch service delivery. Both cases and activities (i.e., tasks, events, and calls) can be assigned to teams. After an assignment to the team, Zoho can automatically distribute work or organize the work in a queue (Case Queue or Task Queue) for manual assignment by a Supervisor.

Ways to Assign Work

There are three (3) ways to distribute work (cases and tasks: 
  1. Round Robin (RR)
    Hourly Automatic Assignment based on two factors:
    a) Active Zoho Agents within Team
    b) Threshold Amounts (Number of Cases/Tasks) specified in the Threshold Worksheet

  2. Direct Assignment
    Automatic Assignment to one specific Agent or a Team

  3. Manual Assignment from Case or Activities List View
    Assigning one or more cases or tasks to an Agent stored within a specific list view (queue) 

Round Robin 

Round Robin uses specific criteria, such as online presence (Active vs. Inactive) and Threshold Amounts, to automatically assign the incoming tasks and cases amongst a group of agents on an hourly schedule. 

Round Robin balances the agent workload. Work (cases and tasks) are assigned to the least loaded agent first. The load balancing continues until all of the agents are assigned the work specified in the Threshold Worksheet. After that, work is distributed to agents in the Round Robin fashion. When the threshold is reached, any surplus tasks in Zoho Desk are held back in the team's queue (backlog). The tasks from the backlog queue are assigned to agents as and when they resolve one of their assigned tasks during the next scheduler run in the system.

At midnight, cases and tasks with a "Not Started" status are placed back into the case or task list for redistribution to the next online, active agents within the team.  There is a two-step process to manage Round Robin in Zoho:
  1. Update Team Members 
    1. Add/Remove Team Members
      Use Setup > Teams
    2. Wait for the next hourly synch for team members to be added or removed
      to the Threshold Worksheet (Step 2).
  2. Update Threshold Amounts in Zoho Worksheets 
    Managers and Supervisors receive the Production Zoho Worksheet Links
    to actively update thresholds as needed.
    1. Do not add/remove names on the Zoho Worksheet (similar to Excel spreadsheet) 
    2. Update the Threshold Amount only
      1. Threshold Amounts are the number of tasks or cases
        that an Agent can have in their queue (total amount)
      2. Newly added members receive 10 cases/tasks by default, during the hourly update/synch
      3. If you do not see a newly added team member on the Threshold Worksheet,
        ensure the hourly synch occurred. If not, wait for the next full hour (e.g., 1pm, 2pm, 3pm).
      4. Keep Team Members / No Assignments:
        If you want to keep a team member on Zoho Team List, yet block any case/task assignments for a day (or certain period of time), then update the threshold to Zero (0). 

Direct Assignment

  1. Using the Assignment rules within Zoho Setup, Leadership can assign cases/tasks to individual Agents or Teams.
    Currently, Executive Escalations and Legal Escalations are utilizing Direct Assignments.
    1. Executive Escalations are routed to a specific CHS Agent who performs the
      research and has specialized skills for this task.
    2. Legal Escalations are assigned to a team queue to allow for multiple team
      members to self-assign, so cases reside in the Legal Escalations queue.

Manual Assignment

  1. Operational Leadership can assign one or more cases/tasks to individual
    Agents and Teams using the Manual Assign feature.
  2. There is no limit for manual assignments and can assign beyond the threshold.
  3. Learn more about Manual Assignments.

    Helpful Links

    i-Knowledge Help System - Partner Teams
    i-Knowledge Help System - Internal Teams

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