

Sears Under Review

When a Sears Claim goes into an Under Review status in ServiceBench, a Task is created in Zoho and assigned to the National Client-Sears Queue. When working the Task, be sure to verify why the claim needs to be reviewed then follow the process to complete the task.
  1. In Zoho click Activities.
  2. Select My Open Tasks under Tasks.
    1. Click Tasks on the left Navigation Panel
    2. Locate My Open Tasks under All Views

    3. Filter tasks by clicking the Ellipsis (...) button and sort by Created Date to show the oldest task first

      1. My Open Tasks will only show tasks in an Open status. To view all tasks regardless of status, select My Tasks
      2. Click the Star next to My Open Tasks to add to your Starred Views (favorites)

      3. Agents can also use the Kanban Dashboard to locate Tasks by clicking the Expand button on the Top Menu, selecting Kanban Task Board, then selecting My Tasks
  3. Once filtered (oldest on top), click the top Task to open.
  4. Copy the Claim Number/Service Job Number then swivel to ServiceBench.

  5. Locate the Claim/Service Job in ServiceBench.
  6. Review the Service Job history and the Claim.
  7. Once all the required information is obtained, Approve or Reject the claim based on the findings.
    1. Notate the Service Job
  8. In Zoho the status will automatically update to Completed.
    1. If the Claim was Approved, the Claim Status will update to Approved and the Subject will now read Claims-Approved
      1. Cinch Agents cannot approve claims with Customer Options or claims created by a Cinch Agent for Authorization. If the claim does not have a Sears Reference Number, it should not be Approved.
    2. If the Claim was Rejected, the Claim Status will update to Rejected and the Subject line will now read Claims-Rejected

Sears Claim Escalations

When a Sears Admin enters an Escalation in the ServiceBench Claim, a Task is created in Zoho and assigned to the National Clients-Sears Queue. When working the Task, be sure to review the escalation reason then follow the process to complete the task.
  1. In Zoho click Activities.
  2. Select My Open Tasks under Tasks.
    1. Click Tasks on the left Navigation Panel
    2. Locate My Open Tasks under All Views

    3. Filter tasks by clicking the Ellipsis (...) button and sort by Created Date to show the oldest task first

      1. My Open Tasks will only show tasks in an Open status. To view all tasks regardless of status, select My Tasks
      2. Click the Star next to My Open Tasks to add to your Starred Views (favorites)

      3. Agents can also use the Kanban Dashboard to locate Tasks by clicking the Expand button on the Top Menu, selecting Kanban Task Board, then selecting My Tasks
  3. Once filtered (oldest on top), click the top Task to open.
  4. Copy the Service Job Number.

  5. Swivel to ServiceBench and locate the Service Job using the Service Job Number.
  6. Click the Claim hyperlink in ServiceBench.

  7. Click the Escalations tab in the Claim.
    1. There will be an asterisk in the tab to show a new comment has been entered
  8. Review the Escalation Comment and resolve using the details provided.
    1. Escalation Comment will also show in the Zoho Comments
  9. Enter the Response Comment and click Save.
    1. Response Comment will sync to Zoho Comments
  10. In Zoho the status will automatically update to Completed.
    1. In the Main Task Layout, the following fields will also update:
      1. Escalation Responded By
      2. Escalation Responded Date

Sears Rejects

When a Sears Claim is automatically rejected by the system or rejected by a Sears Admin, a Task is created in Zoho and assigned to the National Client-Sears Queue. When working the Task, be sure to review the rejection reason then follow the process to complete the task.
  1. In Zoho click Activities.
  2. Select My Open Tasks under Tasks.
    1. Click Tasks on the left Navigation Panel
    2. Locate My Open Tasks under All Views

    3. Filter tasks by clicking the Ellipsis (...) button and sort by Created Date to show the oldest task first

      1. My Open Tasks will only show tasks in an Open status. To view all tasks regardless of status, select My Tasks
      2. Click the Star next to My Open Tasks to add to your Starred Views (favorites)

      3. Agents can also use the Kanban Dashboard to locate Tasks by clicking the Expand button on the Top Menu, selecting Kanban Task Board, then selecting My Tasks
  3. Once filtered (oldest on top), click the top Task to open.
  4. Copy the Claim Number/Service Job Number then swivel to ServiceBench.

  5. Locate the Claim/Service Job in ServiceBench.
  6. Review the Claim to verify why it was Rejected.
  7. Once all the required information is obtained, Approve or Reject the claim based on the findings.
    1. Notate the Service Job
      1. If the Claim should remain Rejected, the agent will need to click APPROVE OVERRIDE and Reject the claim again. This will send a notification back to Sears.
  8. In Zoho the status will automatically update to Completed.
    1. If the Claim was Approved, the Claim Status will update to Approved and the Subject will now read Claims-Approved
    2. If the Claim was Rejected, the Claim Status will update to Rejected and the Subject will now read Claims-Rejected

Sears Incompletes

When a batch of Sears Claims are imported into ServiceBench but are missing required fields, the claim status updates to Incomplete. This will create a Task in Zoho which will be assigned to the National Client-Sears Queue. When working the Task, be sure to verify which fields are missing then follow the process to complete the task.
  1. In Zoho click Activities.
  2. Select My Open Tasks under Tasks.
    1. Click Tasks on the left Navigation Panel
    2. Locate My Open Tasks under All Views

    3. Filter tasks by clicking the Ellipsis (...) button and sort by Created Date to show the oldest task first

      1. My Open Tasks will only show tasks in an Open status. To view all tasks regardless of status, select My Tasks
      2. Click the Star next to My Open Tasks to add to your Starred Views (favorites)

      3. Agents can also use the Kanban Dashboard to locate Tasks by clicking the Expand button on the Top Menu, selecting Kanban Task Board, then selecting My Tasks
  3. Once filtered (oldest on top), click the top Task to open.
  4. Copy the Claim Number/Service Job Number then swivel to ServiceBench.

  5. Locate the Claim/Service Job in ServiceBench.
  6. Review the Incomplete Claim to verify which Required Fields are missing information.

  7. Click SAVE AS NEW CLAIM in ServiceBench and Approve the new claim with all Required Fields entered.
    1. All claim information in the previous claim will transfer over to the new claim
  8. The status of the Incomplete Claim will update to Corrected.
    1. The Claim Status will sync to Zoho in the Main Task Layout
  9. In Zoho the status will automatically update to Completed.

Claim Error Message

In some instances, the Agent may receive an error message when attempting to Reject, Approve, or Correct a claim. If this happens, follow the process to complete the task.
  1. Process a New Claim in ServiceBench.
  2. Notate the Service Job.
  3. Swivel to Zoho and manually update the task to Completed.
    1. The Claim Status in the Main Task Layout will remain as is

Reopen a Zoho Task

When a Claim is missing information that is needed for Approval, follow the process to complete the task.
  1. Manually Reject the Claim in ServiceBench.
  2. Send a request to Sears for additional information.
  3. Once the updates are received, locate the Completed-Rejected task in Zoho.
  4. Click Re-open Task.
  5. Swivel to ServiceBench to update the Service Job and the Claim.
  6. Approve the Claim.
  7. In Zoho the status will automatically update to Completed.
    1. The Claim Status will sync to Zoho in the Main Task Layout

    Helpful Links

    i-Knowledge Help System - Partner Teams
    i-Knowledge Help System - Internal Teams

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