Starred Views | My Favorite Views

Starred Views | My Favorite Views

Cases and Activities (Tasks and Calls) are organized in List Views, also called Queues.  You can make your personal collection of your favorite views, also called Starred Views. Starred Views are similar to your favorites or bookmarks in Chrome. Think of this as your personal collection, limited to 15 starred views, that you want to use frequently during your work. 
New Zoho users will not have a Starred Views list available until after adding a star to at least one view. Adding one starred view will open the Starred Views list folder to store all of your favorite views. You can update (star/unstar) any list at any time. Remember, starred views are personal collections and cannot be created for a team.

Star My Favorite Views

  1. To star my favorite views:
    1. For Cases: On the Zoho Toolbar, click Cases module.
    2. For Tasks: On the Zoho Toolbar, click Activities module.
  2. In the left pane, the Views section displays the ALL VIEWS list, which contains all of the case views available to your team. 
    1. Scroll through the ALL VIEWS list to choose a list (queue) to add to your Starred Views 
  3. Open the list to star. At the top of the page, to the left of the List Title,
    click the white (empty) star 
  4. The empty star is now a Yellow Star  to show that it's saved as a Starred View
    1. Use the open (down arrow) or closed (right arrow) to jump from open
      list categories to closed list categories.

Remove Starred Views

  1. To remove (un-star) my favorite views:
    1. For Cases: On the Zoho Toolbar, click Case module.
    2. For Tasks: On the Zoho Toolbar, click Activities module.
  2. In the left pane, the Views section displays the STARRED VIEW and ALL VIEWS sections, 
  3. Click STARRED VIEWS to open your personal favorites collection on the page.
    1. The views that you have starred displays on the list.
      Choose a starred view to remove from the list.
  4. Click the list view name. The list displays in the middle of the screen. 
  5. At the top of the page, click the Yellow Star. This star turns white (empty) again. 
    This unstarred list is now available in ALL VIEWS. You can add that view back at any time.

    Helpful Links

    i-Knowledge Help System - Partner Teams
    i-Knowledge Help System - Internal Teams

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