Additional CS Information
Verbal Application
Overview For Cinch Real Estate products, a Verbal Application and service job request is entered when the customer calls in a request for service, but their contract information is not in the system. This occurs when the application and funds for ...
Reschedule Service Appointment
Overview This procedure is used when we need to facilitate rescheduling a service appointment for a customer or Service Provider. Reschedule Service Appointment Procedure Locate and verify the customer record using the Customer Search and ...
Overview The Re-Notify feature gives Cinch the ability to send a message and resend a dispatch email to the assigned Service Provider. Re-Notify Procedure Locate and verify the customer record using the Customer Search and Verification procedure. ...
Mail Correspondence Request Form
Overview If a customer would like written correspondence from us regarding a claim situation, it can be requested using the Mail Correspondence Request Form. Available Correspondence Types The table below defines the different types of written ...
Fulfillment Request Procedure
Overview These calls will be handled by the customer service agent and should not be transferred to Membership Services. If you are having an issue logging into TIMX SCM please see your supervisor for assistance. Steps to Sending a Welcome Kit Go ...
Overview Relevant documents received from customers can be attached to service jobs. Examples of attachments to service jobs are pictures of equipment condition, a serial number/model number from equipment, a paid invoice, an inspection report, ...
NON-Sears Aging Jobs - Appliances - Back Ordered Parts
Overview This article outlines the Customer Service handling process for follow-up calls related to Appliances NON-SEARS Aging Jobs. *For the SEARS Handling Process, see Aging Appliance Jobs - Sears. Required Preliminary Research You are required to ...
National Service Alliance (NSA) - Profiles
Overview DO NOT assign NSA for any Appliance installations. National Service Alliance (NSA), a national aggregator of appliance service companies, has been added to our Service Provider network. They provide warranty service in mostly rural areas, ...
Multi-Item Pop
Overview The Multi-Item Pop was created to assist with assigning a service provider when processing multi-item service jobs. If a service job was created today and is in a New or Accepted status, if another job is created in the same day within the ...
Manual Service Form
The Manual Service Form is located on the Cinch Portal (interchange) and is used when the ServiceBench system is down or the account is showing in TIMX SCM but not in ServiceBench. If the account is not showing in ServiceBench but is verified in TIMX ...
Replacement Recommendations - Service Provider Process
1. The service technician's findings/diagnosis and attributes are entered in the service job in the Service Explanation field. 2. Pictures of the unit, the data plate and the failed components for the product (item) being serviced must be attached to ...
Create Reimbursement Service Claim
The third part of the reimbursement service request process is to create a Claim. All required fields must be completed before ServiceBench will allow entered information to be saved. Not all required fields are identified with an asterisk *. Click ...
NL-Soft No Approach
This scripting technique is used when informing the customer of non-covered items, partial non-covered, or fully denied claims. It is critical that this information be shared with the customer in a positive manner while reinforcing the benefit of ...
Zoho CTI and Caller Verification
In Zoho Desk when you receive an inbound call you should receive a CTI pop-up displaying important customer information. Review the information on the CTI pop-up to assist with caller verification. If the caller's information populates you can click ...