Are there any side effects from having someone’s DNA switched on to produce more primary antioxidants?

Are there any side effects from having someone’s DNA switched on to produce more primary antioxidants?

The fundamental importance is that a nutrigenomic ingredient is not ‘forcing’ a response. Instead it is activating the body’s primary enzymes to return to optimal levels. Everyone’s genes are already coded to regulate, modulate and adapt their function to a state of optimal balance or homeostasis. Essentially, this is the body’s natural process of trying to revert back to its center.

Another important consideration is that our emotions and thoughts play a key role in activating gene expression. Thus, gene expression is psychosomatic explaining why a negative person may naturally have a more ‘acidic’ biochemistry. Bruce Lipton PhD – Biology of Belief: shows how epigenetics is multifaceted with biochemical and bioenergetic indicators.