Knowledge base 168: Encoding multi technology cards in one pass using Asure ID Exchange Edition

Knowledge base 168: Encoding multi technology cards in one pass using Asure ID Exchange Edition

Multi-technology cards can be encoded in just one single process. In order to do that just add a Work instruction to the base Work Order. There are
some unsupported multi Technology cards found in the Release Notes of the CP1000D.

Here is an example:
Encoding SEOS + iCLASS + Prox card Part # 52060VCNGGNNN
1. Select Work Order Manager
2. Click on New
3. Select SEOS and continue with the wizard until the Work Instruction is completed
4. Save the work order.
5. You will see columns for Card ID number, Facility Code and Seos Card Serial Number.
6. Click on Add Work Instruction button

7. Select iCLASS technology and continue with the wizard until the Work Instruction was completed. NOTE: if both chips will have the same format, FC and Card Number then in the window
Define Format Parameters select Parameter Type: Previous Work Instruction for Facility Code and Card Id Number.
8. A message "The Work Order has been modified. Would you like to save the changes?" will pop up. Click on Yes.
9. A new column for iCLASS_CARD_Serial_Number will appear.
10. Repeat the process for HID Prox 125 kHz.
11. A new column for Prox_Card_Serial_Number will appear.
12. Click on Add Record or Add Batch Records in order to add rows to the list. Each row represents a card to be encoded.
13. Select the rows you want to encode and click on Execute Selected. The CP1000 will program one single chip at a time but in one single process.

NOTE: Check that you have enough credits to encode all the technologies you are attempting to program.
This is a screenshot of a work order with three technologies: SEOS, iCLASS and Prox.