Notification Settings

Notification Settings

Never miss a lead! Choose which email addresses receive new lead notifications and select a configured CRM, LMS, or ILM to make managing leads a breeze.

Receive Weekly Lead Summary

Place a check in this checkbox to receive an aggregated summary of all leads that converted through each module.

Disable dashboard notifications

Place a check in the checkbox to turn off notifications when working within the platform. 

Choose which Email Addresses Receive Lead Notifications

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Scroll down to and click the Company tab on the side menu, then click Settings.
  3. The Company Details page opens in the main window.
  4. Scroll down to the Notification Settings section.
  5. Click the "Edit" button on the bottom right of the page.
  6. In the "Lead Notification Primary Emails" field, type the email address(es) that should receive email notifications of a new lead. This is equivalent to the "To:" field of an email.
    Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. A separate email will be sent to each address in this field and include all email addresses in the CC field. 
  7. In the "Lead Notification Carbon Copy (CC) Emails" field, type any additional email address(es) that should receive email notifications of a new lead. This is equivalent to the "Cc:" field of an email.
    Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.
  8. In the "Weekly Lead Summary Emails" field, type the email address(es) that should receive an aggregated weekly lead notification. This notification compiles the names of all leads and the application through which they converted. Summary emails are delivered Monday and include information from the previous week.
  9. Click the "Save" button on the bottom right of the page.

Set the Company's Reply-to Email Address

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Scroll down to and click the Company tab on the side menu, then click Settings.
  3. The Company Details page opens in the main window.
  4. Scroll down to the Notification Settings section.
  5. Click the "Edit" button on the bottom right of the page.
  6. Type the company's reply-to email address in the "Reply-to Email" field. This will be the email address to which customer replies are directed when "reply" is clicked. 
  7. Click the "Save" button on the bottom right of the page.
This should be a monitored email address.

Remove an Email Address from Receiving Lead Notifications

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Scroll down to and click the Company tab on the side menu, then click Settings.
  3. The Company Details page opens in the main window.
  4. Scroll down to the Notification Settings section.
  5. Click the "Edit" button on the bottom right of the page.
  6. Determine which notification should be stopped:
    1. Individual lead notifications: Locate the email address in the "Lead Notification Primary Emails" and "Lead Notification Carbon Copy (CC) Emails" field(s) and remove any email address(es) that should not receive email notification of new leads. 
    2. Weekly summary notifications: Locate the email address in the "Weekly Lead Summary Emails" field and remove any email address(es) that should not receive the weekly lead summary email.
  7. Click the "Save" button on the bottom right of the page.

Send Lead Notifications to a CRM/LMS/ILM

  1. Log in to the platform.
  2. Confirgure your CRM/ILM.
    1. If a CRM, LMS, or ILM has been configured, go to Step 3.
    2. If a CRM, LMS, or ILM has not been configured, scroll down to and click on the Company tab, then CRM Configuration. Review the CRM Integrations article for assistance in creating and configuring a new CRM or ILM integration. Once the integration has been completed, continue to step 3.
  3. Scroll down to and click the Company tab on the side menu, then click Settings.
  4. The Company Details page opens in the main window.
  5. Scroll down to the Notification Settings section.
  6. Click the "Edit" button on the bottom right of the page.
  7. Select the correct CRM or ILM configuration from the "CRM Configuration" drop-down menu.
  8. Click the "Save" button on the bottom right of the page.

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