Time Off / Event Calendar

Time Off / Event Calendar

Note: In order to access the Time Offs module, the "Time Off Routing/ Accruals module" must be enabled in System Settings > Modules:

Along with the CrewScheduler, there is another very useful scheduling option within the Scheduling platform. The Time Off / Event Calendar allows organizations to schedule employees' time off well in advance. It is also useful for employees, allowing a centralized viewing location of the Time Off Calendar - to see who's off, when.

To access, click 'Time off' in the menu, and then 'Time off Calendar'

From there, the Time off Calendar will appear.

The default view is the Month view, however, you can easily change this to a Week or Day view by clicking the buttons in the upper left hand corner. To cycle through the previous and next date ranges, simply click the left and right arrows in the upper right hand corner. 

You can also filter what you'd like to see appear on the calendar by selecting to show Time Offs, Group Events, or the Other Event category. You can also apply filters to further narrow down what you want to see. 

You'll notice that all approved Time off Requests and Employees Off Duty are automatically placed on the Time off Calendar, and are viewable by all members of your organization. This is useful for other employees to quickly see when there may be a vacancy or available opening to take a day off. You will also see that the CrewScheduler day colors also carry over as well. You can disable this option under System Settings.

You can manually add Time Off's, Other Events, and Group Events from within this calendar. To do this, simply click on the date you'd like to place someone as off and a pop up will appear.

In this case, we'll select Time Off and be presented with a familiar window.

Simply add your information and click + Save. Now, we'll notice on June 16, Kenny has been placed on Vacation time off. 

Also, if we return to the Crew Scheduler view, this will automatically appear under the 'Employees Off Duty' section.

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