Add a New Plan

Add a New Plan

Note before adding the new plan

You can organize your plans like the following. 

- One basic plan for listing submission - free or small price, with a set of custom fields and specific number of images

- One or more premium plans for listing submissions – medium and higher prices with larger set of custom fields, higher number of images, and other features like upload video, promote facebook page etc

- One or more listing upgrade plans – listing upgrade plans are used to upgrade previously purchased basic or premium plan with additional custom fields, additional images or video to make the listing featured.


A free listing example that allows your users to display their business details on your website with limited advantages is shown here. They can also add a description and an image about their business.

A paid listing example that allows your users to choose a plan, pay and publish listing accordingly is shown here. You can decide on the number of images to be uploaded by the user based on the type of the plan they select and also allow your users to upload video and promote their facebook page.



Adding New Plan

To add a new plan, on the Plans tab, click the Add new plan button. The Add New Plan page will be displayed. Follow the steps given below to add a new plan to the paid listing.

Note: The symbol * denotes that the field is mandatory.

1. The Plan Name is the name of the paid listing plan that you wish to create. Enter the new name for the listing plan in the Plan Name text entry box.

2. The Description editor allows you to add, edit and format the complete details/descriptions about the plan. The editor is a like a miniature version of MS Word and you have most of the editing and formatting options of the word application.

3. The Status allows you to enable or disable the plan. Select the required status as Enabled or Disabled from the drop down list.

4. The Plan type specifies whether the plan is New Business Listing or Upgrade Business Listing. Select the required plan type from the drop down list. If it is an upgrade plan, then the user can upgrade the plan from a basic plan.

Note: It is better to create a corresponding upgrade plan for a new plan if you want to provide a way to listing owners to pay you in future.

5. The default plan is the one that is selected by default on the Add listing page. Select Yes or No from Is it your default plan drop down list if you wish to make this plan as default plan. 

6. Select Payment type denotes the mode of payment option for the plan. It has options such as Free Plan/Trial, One Time Payment and Subscription. Select the type of the payment from the drop down list.

7. The Price allows you to specify the value for the plan. Enter the price that you wish to charge for this paid listing plan.

8. The Duration denotes the numeric factor of the duration period. Enter the minimum number of days or months or years that this plan service to be availed in the Duration text entry box. The Duration Period has the options such as Days, Weeks, Months, Years, and Never Expires. You can select the required period from the Duration Period drop down list.

9. The Disable moderation determines whether this paid business listing requires the approval of administrator after the payment or not. If it is set to yes, then the plan will get activated automatically after the payment or else the admin has to manually approve the status of the order. Select Yes or No from Disable moderation drop down list based on the requirement.

10. The Make listing featured determines whether the business listing will have the status of featured listing or not. Select Yes or No from Make listing featured drop down list based on the requirement.

11. The option, Limit the number of images that owner can upload will allow you to control the number of images that owner can upload. Check the box next to Limit the number of images that owner can upload to set a limit on the number of image uploads by the owner. Setting this option to No, will allow the owner to upload unlimited number of images. The Number of images (shown when you check "Limit the number of images that owner can upload") decides how many images an owner of listing under this plan can upload. Enter the required number in the Number of images text entry box. Whether the plan allows other users to upload images or not is decided by this option. Check the box next to Allow other users to add images to gallery of the listing (shown when you check "Limit the number of images that owner can upload") to allow the uploading of images by the other users. Setting this option to No, will prohibit the other users from uploading the images.

12. Allow multiple categories in listing if checked then the business listing can be posted under more than one business categories

13. Set the value for Enable Deals to Yes if you want to allow business owners to post deals for their listings. Number of active deals is to be defined in order to set the maximum number of deals allowed per business listing

14. Apply limit on number of active events per listing , if set to yes the the box Maximum number of active events allowed per listing should have a valid numeric value; 0 means no events allowed.

15. The Assign categories and custom fields to this plan limits the plan to be active only in the selected categories, field groups associated with selected categories and custom fields under them. When you select a category under Select categories which should be applied to this plan all field groups that belong to the listing type associated with category will be shown under Select field groups/custom field which should be applied to this plan , if you have not selected a field group then none of the fields under that group will be available for the business listings that come under the plan, if you however have selected the field group then by default all fields under the group will be made available for the plan, you can also select only specific fields to limit certain features; one good example is video field that you may want to be made available for specific plans only.  

Finally, click the Save button to save the plan.