Edit an Order

Edit an Order

To edit an order, simply click the Edit button to the right of that order and in the column, Actions.

The order details will be displayed for editing. You can start editing the required fields.

1. The Order Id denotes the order number of the order.

2. The Name is the name of the plan selected in the order.

3. The Plan Status denotes whether the plan is Active or Inactive.

4. The Payment Status denotes whether the order is Pending, Incomplete, Processing, Fraud or Completed.

5. The Start Date denotes the date on which the plan is applied to the listing.

6. The Never Expire denotes that it is a lifetime order. Checking this option ensures that the order will never expire.

7. The End Date denotes the date on which the order expires and the listing will be removed from the related plan.

8. Make listing featured denotes whether the specific listing related to this order is featured or not.

9. The Limit the number of images that owner can upload denotes whether the number of images that owner can upload has limitation or not.

10. The Number of images denotes the number of images that the owner can upload using this plan.

11. Allow other users to add images to gallery of the listing? denotes whether the other users can upload images or not to the gallery of this listing.

12. The Admin Note allows to enter any specific information related to the order in the text entry box.

13. Once the changes are made to the order, click the Save button to retain the changes made to the order.

12. The Field Groups allow the selection of required groups to which the listing will be published.