

Here are the steps to start installation:

Server Requirements

Before proceeding make sure your server supports following configuration:

  • MySQL (version 4 or above)
  • PHP (version 5.6 or 7.0)
  • Ioncube Loaders
  • Apache mod_rewrite Enabled
  • Support for cron jobs
  • PHP GD Library enabled
  • PHP Safe mode off

Obtaining License

You will receive the license automatically via email, right after the purchase. In case you have not, go to our customer portal, login to your account and you will see the licenses link. Once you have the license key, create a file license.txt in directory where you uploaded the script. Paste license key in the file and save it.

In case you're unable to access the URL, please contact our support department.

Installation Process

The script does not support sub-directory installations like: 

1. Upload and extract the script to your web host inside 'public_html' or 'www' folder.

2. Change the permissions for the folders as stated below :

  • /app/config (folder only) => 0777 (at the time of installation) => 0755 (after installation)
  • /app/locale => 0777 => recursive
  • /app/tmp => 0777 => recursive
  • /app/views/pages => 0777 => recursive
  • /app/webroot/uploads => 0777 => recursive
  • /cake/console/cake (file only) => 0755 (if you are setting up cron jobs)

3. Create a MySQL database to be used by script for the application's data, from your website's control panel. The database collation encoding should be 'utf8_general_ci'. Important note: Please do not use a period (dot) in the database name as it can create issues with other operations. Grant the privileges to a db user to perform all database related operations, you may like to create a new user for the purpose.

4. Try accessing your domain from a browser, and you will be redirected to installation process which will ask you to provide database details and other configurations.

Once settings are submitted, installer will import necessary data in your database and create necessary configuration files.

If you notice any 500 or 404 error, make sure you go through .htaccess gotchas. Many hosts have different configurations for mod_rewrite on their server, so its recommended to refer this article.

5. You can now access the newly installed application on your domain. Homepage: and Admin Panel:

6. If you intend to use newsletters, paid listings, deals and dynamic pages; you will also need to create a cronjob with the following command and set it up to run every 10 mins:

<your_file_path>/cake/console/cake -app <your_file_path>/app master

Replace <your_file_path> with the absolute path where the script files reside on the hosting server.


Go to /app/config/ folder, change the name of core.php to the one you may like, and then rename core.production.php file to core.php

Change the permissions to 0755 for /cake/console/cake file (please note, permission for cake file is to be set, not for cake.bat or cake.php)

Change the permissions for the /app/config folder back to 0755