How to Register Multiple DP Scans to Each Other

How to Register Multiple DP Scans to Each Other

You have various options for linking multiple 3D scans into the same coordinate system:

1. Register using AprilTags in Dot3D Pro. Please see below for a video on this capability:
Dot3D 5.0 Tutorial: Multi-Scan Registration with AprilTags (Dot3D 5.0 & up)
Dot3D Tutorial: Registering Multiple DP Scans with AprilTags in Dot3D Pro (Dot3D 3.2-4.1)

2. Utilize the "Align" feature in Dot3D Pro. This feature can be found in the Scan tab, if the open data set has already been optimized and saved. This is similar to our "Append" feature, but instead of adding back into an existing scan, this allows the user to link 2 distinct scans to each other in the same coordinate system. With the release of Dot3D 3.2, we typically recommend the use of options 1, 3, or 4 for more accurate alignment. However, the Align tool is still available as an option for situations where no targets are available. Below is a full video tutorial on the append and align functions in Dot3D's predecessor Phi.3D. Most concepts shown also apply to Dot3D Pro.

3. Utilize third party registration tools:

4. Utilize survey targeting to reference known coordinates in each scan. Whenever available to you, this is the best option for improving local accuracy and scan-to-scan registration. Please see below for a video on this functionality using AprilTags in Dot3D Pro: