Strategic Planning Automation - SWOT

Strategic Planning Automation - SWOT

The SWOT lists and documents Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for each Strategic Planner. 

Create a SWOT

Select the SWOT tab

The SWOT section of Enable Growth empower users to list and document Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats for each Strategic Planner.

They are the strategic factors for a specific market segment.SWOT analysis can, not only results in the identification of distinctive competencies but also in the identification of opportunities that is not currently taken advantage of. Using SWOT analysis helps to gain the maximum out of the future opportunities by leveraging its strengths and alleviate the threats by working on its weakness. It is a tool for verifying and analyzing the specific market segment. It helps to concentrate on key issues. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors.

Standard Fields

Following are the list of Enable Growth standard fields available in the Strategic Planner Price:

Field Name


Data type

Maximum Limit


List of strengths



List of weaknesses



List of opportunities



List of Threats


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