Accucampus 7.0 - How to customize the display size of the student picture at the sign-in station screen?

Accucampus 7.0 - How to customize the display size of the student picture at the sign-in station screen?


In Accucampus 7.0  you can add and operate sign-in stations,  in those stations students sign-in to get help in certain services, after a student Signs-in one of these stations you can decide to show relevant information from those students such as their Name, IDs and Profile Picture, in Accucampus you can customize the size of such Pictures depending on the quality of the Profile Pictures Database you have. In this article we explain the picture size choices and how to set it up.


1-Please click on Center Visit--> Sign-in Station:

2-If you are creating a new Sign-in Station please click "Create New" or if you are editing a current Sign-in Station already created double click on the Sign-in Station name:

3-In the next screen  please go the "General Options" and enable the "Show visitor photos" option, now a list of choices will appear underneath as shown here:

4-Please select from that list what picture size do you prefer depending on the quality of the pictures you have from the users.

5-Remember to complete all required fields and click SAVE to finish.


In this KB article, we have explained how to customize the size of the user Profile Picture shown in a Sign-in Station if you decide to show such information, thank you for using Accucampus and please remember to contact for more information, our support team will be happy to help you.