AccuCampus: How do I enable the permissions that allow tutors to manage log comments?

AccuCampus: How do I enable the permissions that allow tutors to manage log comments?


In AccuCampus, administrators can give tutors, counselors, and other staff access to the Center attendance logs referencing their work. This article explains what permissions are needed, and how to set them.


Enabling the permissions

1. Navigate to Advanced Options > Settings.

2. Select the module "User Roles."

3. Select any role that needs the permissions.

4. Locate the "Center attendance log comment" under "Action Policies" and click the Show button to reveal all available options, then enable them.

5. Scroll all the way down and click the Save button.

NOTE: Repeat this process for all Roles that require these additional permissions.

Test with users who have the permission

Test to make sure the permissions are working by asking a few users to try them. For example, if tutors were given the ability to save comments on the attendance log, ask a few of them to try saving comments. If they can't save comments, go back to the beginning of this article and double-check each step to make sure they were followed correctly.

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