Accudemia: How can I view other Tutor's Session Logs?

Accudemia: How can I view other Tutor's Session Logs?

Completing session comments or a session evaluation on a student's visit to the Center may sometimes require the ability to view session logs. This is not a permission that tutors will have access to by default; speaking to a Center administrator will be necessary to gain access to this ability. The administrators may need to consider whether this is a permission all tutors should have access to, but it is possible to assign this ability to specific tutors instead.

Provide the links below to the Center administrators. They are step-by-step instructions on how to give all, (or specific) tutors the permission to view session logs:

Option 1 - Allow all Tutor's Access to view all Session Logs

Option 2 - Enable a specific Tutor Access to All Session Logs