Accudemia: How do I add additional sign-in information to the "Who's In" screen in the Sign-In Station Kiosk?

Accudemia: How do I add additional sign-in information to the "Who's In" screen in the Sign-In Station Kiosk?


The "Who's In" screen in Accudemia is displayed on the Sign-in Station and allows users to see which students are logged in at that current time.  By default, it will only show their names, but additional information can be added.  What time they all signed in, which subject area they signed in for, and which tutor they chose to help them. This article will explain how to enable these three options.


1. On the main menu, navigate to Administration > Control Panel section.  And once in the Control Panel click the General option.

2. Select either the entire college or a specific Center as the scope, then click View Settings.

3. Click "Sign In Station Options" on the left side of the screen, then scroll down to "In the student whose in screen."

4. Enable any or all of the features you want to display on the "Who's In?" screen. Optionally check the "Show sign-in time," "Show subject area," or "Show tutor" checkboxes, then scroll up to the top of this page, and click the Save Changes button.