Accudemia: How do I disable the remember filters option on my account?

Accudemia: How do I disable the "remember filters" option on my account?

In a recent Accudemia update we allowed you to retain the filters that you set in the various sections of Accudemia (Session Logs, Reports, etc.).  However, if you need to pull reports for lots of different centers, services or students, you may want to disable this option. Each user is able to decide which filters will be remembered for their own account.

1. Login to your Accudemia account.

2. Click Settings on the top-left of the upper menu bar.

3. Click Site Navigation.

4. Uncheck the options you don't want Accudemia to remember the filters for.

5. Click Save Changes.

Note:  This will need to be done per user account login because these are user-specific options to remember the last filters used.