Accudemia: How do I enable automatic email notifications for appointments?

Accudemia: How do I enable automatic email notifications for appointments?


Accudemia has an option to send users an email notification whenever an appointment is created, modified, or canceled. This article will go through the simple steps to enabling this feature, but for more information on how to create a specific email template that Accudemia will use for these notifications, follow this link.


1. Navigate to Administration > Control Panel on the home page, then select the "Appointments" module.

2. Choose the college as the Scope to adjust email reminders for all centers, then click the blue View Settings button.

3. Scroll down to "Email Notifications" and check the "Send confirmation by email" box. 

This will force Accudemia to automatically send an email to users whenever an appointment is created, modified, or canceled.

4. When finished, scroll back to the top of the page and click the blue Save Changes button.

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