Accudemia: How do I give Tutors/Advisors the ability to manage the Intake System Waiting List?

Accudemia: How do I give Tutors/Advisors the ability to manage the Intake System Waiting List?


If the college uses an Intake System, students will be placed into an online waiting room when they try to join a session. Tutors and Advisors can be given the permission to manage this Intake System and allow students in from the online waiting room. This article will explain how to give tutors/advisors the permission to do this.


1. Navigate to Administration > User Accounts on the home page.

2. Search for the tutor by only enabling the "Tutor" option on the search menu, or by typing in their name/User ID.

3. Click on the tutor's name, then select the "Security" tab on the popup menu.

4. Enable "System User" then decide whether to restrict this user to a specific Center, or the entire college by choosing from the "Scope" dropdown menu.

5. Scroll down the System User Permissions and enable the "Intake System Administrator" permission.

6. When finished, scroll to the top of the popup page and click Save Changes.