Accudemia: How do I make a subject area globally available to all students at my Center?

Accudemia: How do I make a subject area globally available to all students at my Center?


Accudemia can hide and show subject areas to all students within a Center, as well as share it with other Centers. This article will explain how to utilize both of these features.


Making a subject area available to all students in a Center

1. Navigate to Administration > Subject Areas on the home page. 

2. Use the search function on the left side of the screen to find the subject area, then click on it.

3. Fill in the "Available to all students" checkbox, then click the Save Changes button.

NOTE: Repeat steps 1 through 3 if there are multiple subject areas that should be visible to all students.   

Making the subject area available to a specific Center

1. Select the "Centers" tab and check the boxes beside every Center that should have access to this subject area.

2. Review the page, then click the Save Changes button when finished.