Accudemia: How do I restrict a System User to a specific Location?

Accudemia: How do I restrict a System User to a specific Location?


By default, System Users are given access to the entire college in Accudemia, but administrators can restrict them to specific Centers, classrooms, or location groups. This means that their System User permissions will only work in those virtual locations. This article will explain how to limit a System User's scope to a specific area in Accudemia.


1. Navigate to Administration > User Accounts.

2. Find the user by using the search function on the left side of the screen, then click on their name to begin editing them.

3. Select the "Security" tab, then choose which Center to restrict the user to by using the "Scope" dropdown menu.

NOTE: The "Scope" dropdown menu is only visible if the "System User" permission is enabled.

4. Click Save Changes at the top of the screen when finished.