Accudemia: How do I restrict the number of times a student can reschedule an appointment?

Accudemia: How do I restrict the number of times a student can reschedule an appointment?


Administrators can set a limit to how many times an appointment can be rescheduled in Accudemia. This is typically a good limit to set, as there will be times when students need to reschedule appointments, but this restriction will stop them from abusing the ability to do so. This article will explain how to set up the appointment rescheduling restriction.


1. Navigate to Administration > Control Panel, then select the "Appointments" module.

2. Choose either a specific Center or the entire college as the scope.

3. Click "Restrictions" on the left side of the screen, then scroll down to find "Reschedule restriction."

4. Enable the "Prevent rescheduling appointments more than x times" restriction, and set how many times an appointment can be rescheduled in the text field.

5. Scroll back to the top of the page and click Save Changes.