Accudemia: How do I schedule an appointment online to meet with a Tutor on campus?

Accudemia: How do I schedule an appointment online to meet with a Tutor on campus?


Accudemia offers the ability to schedule appointments online to meet with tutors in person. This article will explain the simple steps to doing so.


1. Log into Accudemia.
The school should provide its own Accudemia link. It will look something like this. "https://(School's Domain)"

2. Click the New Appointment button in the Upcoming Appointment box on the Home screen.

3. Search for the desired center or service to schedule an appointment on campus.

4. Search for the Course.

The system may ask which instructor teaches the course.

5. Select a desired time slot from the list of available Tutors.

6. Leave any questions in the Notes textbox, then click the Confirm button at the bottom of the screen.

A confirmation screen will appear, with the option to create an additional appointment by clicking the button below it.