Accudemia: How do I test the integration with Office 365's Outlook?

Accudemia: How do I test the integration with Office 365's Outlook?


After linking your Outlook 365 account with Accudemia it is always recommended to test that everything works correctly, in this article we show a few steps which allowed to try the integration :

The tutor account must be already linked to Microsoft 365, to learn more click here:

In order to test the integration, we are going to execute basic functions with Appointments in Accudemia and see the propagation to Microsoft Calendar and the other way around:


Create a new appointment in Accudemia and see if it appears in Outlook

1. Navigate to Quick > New Appointment with the tutor account linked to Office 365.

2. Create the appointment with any student.

3. Confirm the creation of the appointment in Accudemia, then check Outlook's calendar to see if the appointment appears.

Canceling the appointment in Accudemia to see if it deletes in Outlook

1. Navigate to Center Administration > Appointments > View All.

2. Select the test appointment by clicking the checkbox beside it, then click Cancel.

3. Click Yes on the confirmation pop-up, and see if the appointment deletes in Outlook's calendar.

Changing the appointment time in Outlook to see if it changes in Accudemia

1. Create a new appointment with any student.

2. Click and drag the appointment in Outlook's Calendar to a new time slot.

3. Click Edit on the pop-up to be taken to the editing screen.

4. Click Send to confirm the time change for the appointment in Outlook.

5. Click back onto Accudemia and refresh the Appointment List to see if the time change made in Outlook also changed the time in Accudemia.

Canceling an appointment in Outlook to see whether it cancels in Accudemia

1. Take that same test appointment created earlier

For all these changes that we do in either system I get an email informing what happened: