AccuTraining - How can I set up Email, SMS, and On-screen Notifications to go out to my employees when they register?

AccuTraining - How can I set up Email, SMS, and On-screen Notifications to go out to my employees when they register?

With the combination of the AccuTraining Notifications and Rules, you'll be able to set up a notification that goes out to the employees whenever they register for a training class.  Here are the steps to set up this process:
  1. Login to AccuTraining ( as an Admin (if not already) using the domain, email, and password given.

  2. Click on the Advanced Options > Settings options from the left-side navigation menu and then the Notifications section.

  3. Once there click on the Topics button at the top of the page and then the Create Topic button to create a new notification.

  4. Now give the topic a name and optionally a description.  Additionally, this is where you set how you want the notifications to go out:

  5. To finalize the notification topic click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

  6. Now we need to create a rule for how these will go out to employees in AccuTraining.  To get back to the Account Settings you can simply click on the "Account Settings" breadcrumbs link at the top of the page:

  7. Now when back in the Account Settings click on the Rules section.

  8. Now click the Create New button at the top of this page.

  9. At this point, you need to at least give the rule a Name, set a Trigger (with any Conditions that need to be met), and the Actions that will be performed.  A Description is optional but can help you remember why you established the rule in the first place.

    This is a difficult section to understand and should be configured with help if needed.  The Trigger that was used for this rule is "When a user registers an attendee to an event session".  If you will have the employees self-register or if both will register folks to the training classes then you will want to also create a rule for "When a user registers to an event session".  For more information please use this link on how each part is configured of the AccuTraining Rules:
    Just to help a little I created an email template that you can use to get started sending a formatted message:

    Hi [[Registration.User.FullName]],

    This is a quick message to let you know that you have been registered to the following training class which must be completed by the end of this quarter:

    [[Registration.Event.Code]] - [[Registration.Event.Name]]




    I hope this helps and you have a great day!

    Best regards,

    The AccuTraining Team

    Important! When you set up the recipients if you want them to go out to the individual registered and not specific people you'll want to use this Token [[Registration.User.Id]] in the Other users with the internal IDs field.  And this is what this looks like:

  10. When done simply click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.  You can now test this by looking up an employee (under General > Users from the left-side navigation menu) and registering them for a training session.  If you have access to the email or can have them check it you'll see what the get in the response.