Accudemia: How do Ensure that Tutors can sign-in and are not affected by the Student Sign-in Maximum?

Accudemia: How do Ensure that Tutors can sign-in and are not affected by the Student Sign-in Maximum?

NOTE : The Tutor sign-ins are not effected by the Maximum Sign-in Duration as this article shows.  This setting was created for Students who forgot to sign-out to be automatically given a Default Sign-in Duration if the met the Maximum Sign-in Duration.

To verify this setting is not effecting Tutors set the Maximum sign-in duration to 1 minute for the Students to be signed out automatically.

Next, I signed-in a tutor who is only a tutor, Gary Agnew, and a student/tutor, Robert Drake in my Accudemia Test Account.

The results after 5 minutes... the Tutor and the Student/Tutor are still signed-in. It should be noted this is a screenshot from the Session Logs being filtered on Tutor Sign-ins.  Only Tutors and Students can sign-in to Accudemia and each is stored in a separate log.

To make changes to these settings for this test and to set it back to your normal settings later be sure that when you go into the Control Panel and set your General Settings for your center that you select your center .

And then you also click the Save Changes button at the top of the page each time to ensure the settings get updated.

Related to page: /Private/Settings/Settings.aspx?p=Tracking.General