How do I uninstall / reinstall the Conference Tracker app on an apple iPod, iPad, or iPhone?

How do I uninstall / reinstall the Conference Tracker app on an apple iPod, iPad, or iPhone?

Uninstall the Conference Tracker App on an Apple device

The easiest way to delete the app on the iPod touch:

  1. Tap and hold the Conference Tracker app icon until all the app icons begin to shake and those that can be deleted display an X on the top corner of their icon.
  2. Tap the X on an app and a window pops up asking you to confirm the deletion. Tap Delete and the app is removed.
  3. When you're finished, click the Home button to stop the icons from shaking.

Reinstall the Conference Tracker App on an Apple device

  1. Tap the App Store icon.
  2. Tap on the Search option at the bottom of this app, tap the search bar at the top of this app, type in a search for “conference tracker.”
  3. Be sure to tap the Download option next to the Conference Tracker app to download and install the app.
  4. Done! Tap the home button to exit the App Store and then tap the Tracker icon to login to the Conference Tracker.
    Note: the Tracker icon may appear on a second screen.