AccuTraining - How do I create a Training Course?

AccuTraining - How do I create a Training Course?

1. From the left side menu, hover over General and select Training Courses
2. Click Create Class
3. Enter the following information:

Full Unique Code: A session code for the class. It can be anything as long as it's unique.
Name: The Name for the class
Term: Select the term for the class. A term must be created before a class can be made.
Recurring or One Time Event: Set up either a recurring time for the class or a one time event. A Location must be created and added to a time before the class can be made.
Allow Sign In Early by: Determine the time employees are allowed to sign in early by
Allow Sign Out Late by:  Determine the time employees are allowed to sign out late by
Required Presence:  The amount of time that employees must be in the class before obtaining credit
Require Employees to Sign Out:  Check this box to enforce signing out for employees

4. Click Save