Accudemia: How do I get only the available Tutors to show up on the Sign-in Station?

Accudemia: How do I get only the available Tutors to show up on the Sign-in Station?

In Accudemia, we have a process explained below to get only available tutors/advisors/staff to show up on the Sign-in Station.  Simply do the following:
  1. Login to Accudemia with your admin credentials.

  2. From the left-side navigation under the Administration section click the Control Panel > Walk-ins > (Select your Center) and then click View Settings.

  3. Once in the Walk-ins settings at the top for the Tutor availability set this to "Use Schedule Information" (This is what is missing right now and why all Tutors are showing).

  4. Finally be sure to save the changes by clicking the Save Changes button at the top of this page.
Related to page: /Private/Settings/Settings.aspx?p=Tracking.WalkIns