How do I sign students in for the same activity (class) at a manual kiosk center sign-in station in AccuCampus?

How do I sign students in for the same activity (class) at a manual kiosk center sign-in station in AccuCampus?

This article explains how to change the course/activity on a manual sign-in station so that a large group of students can sign in for that course/activity at once. The first step is to set up a manual kiosk sign-in station. To get directions on how to do that, see How do I set up a Manual Kiosk sign-in station in AccuCampus?

1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Center Visits.

2. Click Sign-in Stations.

3. Click Install Here next to the sign-in station you wish to use and sign-out of AccuCampus.

4. On the sign-in station at the bottom of the screen next to Unlock Station enter the passcode.

5. Click Login.

6. Select Change Course.

7. A text box will appear at the top of the page. Type the course in that you wish to sign students in for. Note that you will need the correct CRN for this step, and you should also make sure that the term is correct. Click ENTER once you have selected the right course.