Module 18 - Action Item Assignment Rules in AccuCampus

Module 18 - Action Item Assignment Rules in AccuCampus

Module 18: Action Item Assignment Rules in AccuCampus

Topic: Rules (Assign an Action Item)

  1. Parts of Rules
  2. Creating New Rules


Within AccuCampus, you are able to create rules that tell the system to complete tasks automatically based on user actions within the system. In this module we’ll discuss Action Item Assignment rules, which allow action items to be automatically assigned based on a user’s actions or profile items within the system. It can also be used with the Complete Action Items rule type to create an Action Pack where action items are automatically assigned as part of a sequence.

Parts of Rules

Before creating new rules, you must first be familiar with the different parts of a rule. Each rule has a trigger and an action and may have a condition, which modifies the trigger. These are explained in more detail below.


Triggers are the first step to tell the system when to apply the rule. Triggers are typically based in a user’s actions within the system. The following triggers have been built into the system.

Signing In/Out of a Sign-in Station
  1. When a card is swiped
  2. When a person is automatically signed out
  3. When a user signs in using a multistep kiosk station
  4. When a user signs out using a multistep kiosk station
Waiting Lines
  1. When a user has moved forward in a waiting line
  2. When a user is added to a waiting line
  3. When a user is signed in from a waiting line
  1. When an appointment is cancelled
  2. When an appointment is created
  3. When an appointment is edited
  4. When an appointment is restored
  5. When an appointment is voided
  6. When an appointment reminder is processed
  7. When a seminar reminder is processed
  8. When someone does not show for an appointment
Session Logs
  1. When an attendance log is deleted
  2. When an attendance log is saved
  3. When an attendance log is tagged
  4. When an attendance log tag is removed
Action Items
  1. When an action assignment has expired
  2. When an action assignment is due
  3. When an action assignment is updated
  4. When an action assignment is assigned to a user
  1. When a user is manually created or edited
  2. When a user is manually deleted
  3. When a user is tagged
  4. When a user tag is removed
  1. When a media checkout has passed its due date
  2. When a media checkout is about to end
  3. When a media item is checked in
  4. When a media item is checked out
  1. When an import job finishes


Conditions are the second step to tell the system when to apply the rule. Conditions provide more context for the trigger. An example would be a trigger of “when a card is swiped” and the condition specifying the location where the card is swiped. The conditions available depend on the trigger; however, they general involve locations, users, services, etc. You are able to add more than one condition to a trigger.

When creating a condition that pertains to a location, service or course/event, we recommend that you use the Internal ID for that item versus the written name of it. This ensures that if the written name changes, the rule will still stand. To get the Internal ID, follow these instructions.

Navigate to the locationservice or course/event you wish to use.

At the end of the web address for that page, you will see id= followed by a string of numbers and letters. Everything after the equals sign is your Internal ID. 

Set your condition to an Internal ID and paste the string of numbers and letters into the condition.

The rule will now remain active, even if the name of the location, service or course/event changes over time.

Using Tokens

When creating your notifications, it’s possible to use tokens. This allows you to create a generic notification that will be personalized based on the tokens contained within it. Much like with Internal IDs in the conditions, this allows the rule to remain active even if the name of a user, location, service or course/event changes. 

Depending on the action you choose, a list of tokens will appear on the right hand side of the screen. These include user ID tokens, location tokens, service tokens, etc. Click on the desired token to add it to your message, or to identify followers for the action. 

Using the token [[Assignment.Assignee.Id]] ensures that the rule applies to any user that meets the conditions. In this case, any user that is assigned the specific action item in the trigger receives the notification.

Using the token [[Assignment.Assignee.FirstName]] causes the message to be addressed to the specific user who was assigned the action item.

Creating New Rules

Within this page, you are able to create rules for actions within AccuCampus. You can select one trigger per rule with multiple conditions for that trigger. You are also able to select multiple actions per rule.

From the Main Sidebar, hover over Advanced Options.

Click Settings.

Click Rules.

Click Create New.

Enter a Name for the rule. We recommend that you use a unique and specific name so that the rule can be identified by other users.

Enter a Description for the rule. We recommend that you use a unique and specific name so that the rule can be identified by other users.

Set the rule as Active.

Set a Trigger for the rule.

Set Condition(s) for the rule.

Click Add Action.

Click Assign Action Item.

Enter the Student that should receive the action item using the Tokens on the right hand of the screen.

Select the Action Item that should be assigned.

If desired, enter Notes that should accompany the assignment of the item. Remember to keep these general so that they’ll apply to all users who might be automatically assigned the item. You can use tokens to personalize the message.

Click Save.

If the rule should cause more than one action, click Add Action. If not, click Save.

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