Permissions Table for AccuCampus

Permissions Table for AccuCampus

Permissions Table

API Name


This category gives users the ability to import and/or export data into AccuCampus. Generally, only account administrators. These settings are global settings and are not governed by scope. Non-administrator type users do not need this permission to export data when running reports.
Export AccuCampus data
Allows the user to export data from AccuCampus into a CSV, HTML, or Excel format.
Import data into AccuCampus
Allows the user to import data into AccuCampus via CSV or flat files either manually or automatically using the import utility.

Action item

This category gives users abilities related to viewing, creating, editing, and deleting action items. Many staff members will need the ability to view action items, but very few will need the ability to edit action items, with fewer needing the ability to delete action items, especially since action items are global. End users will be more likely to need permissions to assign and un-assign action items which is handled in the subsequent category.
Delete an action item
Allows the user to delete an action item.
Save an action item
Allows the user to edit an action item.
View all the action items
Allows the user to view a list of action items
View an action item
Allows the user to view an individual action item and its details.

Action item pack

This category gives users abilities related to viewing, creating, editing, deleting, and assigning action item packs, which are packs of action items which are grouped together so that they can be assigned all at once. Users may need permission to view and assign action item packs, but very few will need the ability to create, edit, or delete action item packs, as action item packs are global.
Assign an action item pack to a user
Allows the user to assign an action pack to a user or group of users.
Delete an action item pack
Allows the user to delete an action item pack.
Save an action item pack
Allows the user to edit an action item pack.
View all the action item packs
Allows the user to view the full list of action item packs.
View an action item pack
Allows the user to view an individual action pack and its details.

Action item type

This category gives users abilities related to viewing, creating, editing, and deleting action item types. Users who have the ability to assign action items or packs will need the ability to view an action item type, but as action item types are global, very few will need the ability to view the full list, create, edit, or delete action item types. Action Item types identify the area for which the action item belongs. Example an action item type named Counseling indicates the item is managed by Counseling.
Delete an action item type
Allows the user to delete an action item type.
Save an action item type
Allows the user to edit an action item type.
View all the action item types
Allows the user to view the full list of action item types.
View an action item type
Allows the user to view an individual action item type and its details.

Action plan

This category gives users abilities related to viewing, editing, and deleting action plans, which are a student's assigned action items or action item packs. Many staff members will need the ability to assign action items. Not all of these users will also need the ability to view the progress of or update an action plan, and fewer still will need the ability to delete an action plan.
Bulk complete action items
Allows the user to bulk complete action items.
Delete an action plan
Allows a user to remove an action item from a user's action plan.
Save an action plan
Allows the user to edit or assign an action item to a user
Update an action plan
Allows the user to update or mark an action item as complete.
View all the action plans
Allows the user to view the list of all action items for a specified user.
View an action plan
Allows the user to view an individual action item and its details, minus all the action item's updates.
View the history of an action plan
Allows the user to view an individual action plan and its details, including all the action plan's updates.

Ad-hoc queries

This category gives users abilities related to executing, viewing, saving, and deleting ad hoc queries. Creating and editing queries requires knowledge of SQL language, and a user should only be given permission to do so if they understand SQL AND have other high level administrator permissions, as they will be able to create queries for the entire account.
Check the status of an ad hoc query execution
Allows the user to check whether a query has executed, viewable on the query's execution page.
Create or edit an ad hoc query
Allows the user to edit an ad hoc query.
Delete an ad hoc query
Allows the user to delete a previously created ad hoc query.
Execute an ad hoc query
Allows the user to execute an ad hoc query.
Stops the execution of an ad hoc query
Allows the user to halt the execution of a query that is currently being executed.
View a list of ad hoc queries executions
Allows the user to view the full list of past query executions.
View a list of saved ad hoc queries
Allows the user to view the full list of saved queries.
View details of an ad hoc query
Allows the user to view an individual ad hoc query with its settings.
View the database schema for making ad hoc queries
Allows the user to view the list of schema for ad hoc queries.

Ad-hoc reports

Request access to the ad-hoc reports
Allows the user to request access to the ad-hoc reports by clicking, 'Request Access' under Institutional Research -> Ad-hoc Reports


This category gives users abilities related to creating, editing, cancelling, viewing, and voiding appointments. Students will generally need the ability to schedule appointments within the policies of a location, but administrators and some staff will need further permissions to break location rules. Appointment administrators will still need to be mapped under Role Mappings, and staff and administrators will only be able to make appointments in locations they are scoped to.
Cancel an appointment
Allows the user to cancel an appointment.
Edit an appointment even if it breaks activated rules
Allows the user to edit an existing appointment even if it breaks the rules or settings of that location.
Edit the no-show status of an appointment
Allows the user to edit the no-show status of an appointment by marking it as Voided, Restored, or as a Show.
Find locations where a service is available
Allows the user to search for appointment availability by location or service.
Finds all staff available slots filtered by service, date, etc
Allows the user to view available appointment slots when creating an appointment.
Finds available slots filtered by service, date, staff, etc
Allows the user to view available appointment slots when creating an appointment.
Finds staff available by service, date, event, etc
Allows the user to view staff availability when creating an appointment.
Reschedule an appointment from MS Outlook.
Allows the user to reschedule, edit, or cancel appointments via MS Outlook if the user has the AccuCampus add-on installed on their Outlook.
Restore an appointment
Allows the user to restore a canceled appointment.
Restore an appointment even if it breaks activated rules
Allows the user to restore a canceled appointment even if that appointment breaks the rules or settings of that location.
Schedule an appointment
Allows the user to schedule an appointment within the rules of the location and the availability of staff members.
Schedule an appointment even if it breaks activated rules
Allows the user to schedule an appointment even if it breaks the rules or settings of that location or if it goes against the availability of the staff member.
Search and view details of all my upcoming appointments
Allows the user to view all of their own upcoming appointments.
Search and view details of an appointment
Allows the user to view an individual appointment and its details.
View a list of appointments
Allows the user to view all upcoming appointments for the location or locations they are scoped to.
View the locations with most appointments
Allows the user to view suggestions for the most popular locations in which to make appointments
View the services with most appointments
Allows the user to view suggestions for the most popular services for which to make appointments.
Void an appointment
Allows the user to void an appointment that has been marked as a no-show so that it does not count against the student's restrictions.

Attendance restriction

This category gives users abilities related to viewing, editing, and deleting attendance restrictions. Since attendance restrictions are set globally, only account administrators need access to these permissions.
Create or edit an attendance restriction
Allows the user to create or edit an attendance restriction.
Delete an attendance restriction
Allows the user to delete an existing attendance restriction.
View a list of attendance restrictions
Allows the user to view the list of all attendance restrictions.
View details of an attendance restriction
Allows the user to view an individual attendance restriction and its details.


This category gives users abilities related to audits. Since audits show activity for the whole account, only a few users should have access to this.
View a list of users action logs
Allows the user to view the audit logs for the account.


This category gives users abilities related to beacon profiles. Most areas will not use beacons, and so only account administrators and well-trained area administrators will need access to these permissions. Users do not need specific permissions to use beacons, only to set them up.
Create or edit a beacon profile
Allows the user to create or edit a beacon profile.
Delete a beacon profile
Allows the user to delete an existing beacon profile.
Disable beacon support account wide
Allows the user to enable or disable beacon usage account wide.
Generate or reset the identifier for the account's beacon region.
Allows the user to reset the identifier for the beacon region, generally not necessary.
Set the identifier for the account's beacon region (for sign-in stations).
Allows the user to set the identifier for the account's beacon regions for sign-in stations, generally not necessary as each sign-in station profile generates its own region.
View a list of beacon profiles
Allows the user to view the list of all beacon profiles without their basic details.
View a list of beacon profiles with their characteristics
Allows the user to view the list of all beacon profiles with their basic details.
View details of a beacon profile
Allows the user to view an individual beacon profile and its details.

Campus community

This category gives users abilities related to the AccuCampus Communities, an online community for AccuCampus users.
Sends an invitation for myself to AccuCampus Communities
Allows the user to access the AccuCampus Communities.
Sends an invitation to everyone to AccuCampus Communities
Allows the user to invite all other users to the AccuCampus Communities.

Center attendance log

This category gives users abilities related to deleting, saving, and viewing center attendance logs in areas in which they are scoped. Many staff members may need the ability to view their area's logs. Fewer will need the ability to edit them, and only account administrators should be able to delete them, as this should only be done in extreme cases.
Create or edit a center attendance log
Allows the user to create or edit a center attendance log.
Delete a center attendance log
Allows the user to delete an existing center attendance log.
Search and view details of a center attendance log
Allows the user to view an individual location attendance log and its details.
Search and view details of a center attendance log's swipe history
Allows the user to view the swipes of an individual center attendance logs (sign ins and sign outs).
Sign out a center attendance log
Allows the user to sign out a center attendance log from the Who's In page.
View a list of center attendance logs
Allows the user to view the list of all center attendance logs in the location or locations in which the user is scoped.
View who's in a center
Allows the user to view the Who's In page and view all users who are logged into locations in which the user is scoped.

Center attendance log comment

Delete a comment on an attendance log
Save a comment on an attendance log

Center attendance swipe

This category gives users abilities related to center attendance swipes, which show time in or out, either recording at a sign-in station or manually entered. Users with the ability to view or edit center attendance logs will also need the ability to view swipes.
Delete a swipe
Allows the user to delete an existing center attendance swipe.
Save a swipe, and if possible, save the related attendance log
Allows the user to save an attendance swipe, which will also save the attendance log if the information in the swipe is enough.
View a swipe
Allows the user to view an individual attendance swipe.
View all the swipes
Allows the user to view a list of all swipes for the location or locations in which the user is scoped.

Class attendance log

This category gives users abilities related to deleting, saving, and viewing class attendance logs. Generally, only faculty members will need access to these permissions.
Add a note to a class attendance log
Allows the user to add a note to a class attendance log.
Save a class attendance log
Allows the user to create or edit a class attendance log.
Save a class attendance log swipe
Allows the user to create or edit a class attendance log swipe, which are the details of time in or out.
View a class attendance log
Allows the user to view an individual class attendance log and its details.
View all the class attendance logs of the specified session
Allows the user to view the full list of logs from a specified session
View my attendance summary
Allows the user to view their own attendance summary.
View the attendance information of a class session
Allows the user to view the attendance information for an entire class
View the attendance summary for a class and/or a student
Allows the user to view the attendance summary for a given class and/or student.
View the class session attendance information for a specific student
Allows the user to view the attendance for a specified student.

Class attendance session

This category gives users abilities related to class attendance. Generally, only faculty members will need access to these permissions, so that they can take attendance for their own areas.
Bulk update class sessions
Allows the user to bulk update class sessions by setting multiple students as present, absent, tardy, etc.
View details of a class attendance session
Allows the user to view a class attendance session in order to take attendance.

Class attendance swipe

This category gives users abilities related to class attendance swipes, which show time in or out if the class is taking attendance via a sign-in station or beacons. Generally, only faculty members will need access to these permissions.
Creates a new swipe, and if possible, creates the attendance log
Allows the user to create a new swipe, which would usually result in an attendance log.
Delete a session swipe
Allows the user to delete an existing class attendance swipe.
Resolve a swipe and create the corresponding attendance log
Allows the user to resolve an unresolved swipe, which would result in the creation of an attendance log.
View a class attendance swipe
Allows the user to view an individual class attendance swipe.
View all the unresolved swipes
Allows the user to view all unresolved swipes.

Save a client device
Send a message to a client device
View a client device
View all the clients devices

College department

This category gives users abilities related to college departments. Since departments are not unique to any locations and are global, only account administrators need these permissions. (Note this field is not currently used.)
Delete a college department
Allows the user to delete an existing college department.
Save a college department
Allows the user to create or edit a college department.
View a college department
Allows the user to view an individual college department and its details.
View all the college departments
Allows the user to view the full list of college departments.

Compass categories

This category gives users abilities related to compass categories. Most users should be able to view categories, but since categories are global, only account administrators should have the ability to create, edit, or delete categories.
Create or edit a compass category
Allows the user to create or edit a compass category.
Delete a compass category
Allows the user to delete an existing compass category.
View a list of compass categories
Allows the user to view the full list of compass categories.
View details of a compass category
Allows the user to view an individual compass category and its details.


This category gives users abilities related to courses. Since courses are automatically imported via the SIS and are global, only account administrators will need the ability to edit or delete courses. Most users will need to view individual courses in order to create appointments, set availability, sign into locations, and other tasks.
Delete a course
Allows the user to delete an existing course.
Edit a course's sessions according to their schedule
Allows the user to edit course sessions.
Save a course
Allows the user to create or edit a course.
View a course
Allows the user to view an individual course and its details.
View a list of courses by date
Allows the user to view a list of courses by date.
View all the courses
Allows the user to view the full list of courses.
View all the courses I am registered to
Allows the user to view the courses they are registered to.

Course registration

This category gives users abilities related to course registration. Since student registration is automatically imported via the SIS, only account administrators will need the ability to edit registration. Most users will need the ability to view their own registration, and some staff will need the ability to view other students' registration. Permissions in this category also relate to staff course registration, relevant when the staff member works in an area that assists with courses, such as a tutoring center.
Lists the course group registrations of a user
Allows the user to view the course groups a staff member is available for.
Lists the registrations for a course group
Allows the user the get the staff members registered to a specific course group
Register a user to a course for attendance
Allows the user to register a user to a course.
Register a user to an course group
Allows the user to make a staff member available for a course group.
Register a user to assist with all courses
Allows the user to make a staff member available to assist with all courses.
Register current user to a course
Allows the user to make themselves available for individual courses.
Register current user to a course group
Allows the user to make themselves available for a course group.
Register current user to all courses
Allows the user to make themselves available for all courses.
Remove a user from a course
Allows the user to remove a user from a course's registration.
Remove a user from a course group
Allows the user to remove a staff member from availability to a course group.
Remove a user from the registration to all courses
Allows the user to remove a staff member from availability to all courses.
Remove current user from a course group
Allows the user to remove themselves from availability to a course group.
Remove current user from the registration to all courses
Allows the user to remove themselves from availability to all courses.
Search and view details of all current user registrations to course groups
Allows the user to view all staff members currently registered to course groups.
Unregister current user from a course
Allows the user to remove themselves from registration to a course.
View course registration
Allows the user to view all users registered for an individual course.
View course registration by user
Allows the user to view all courses a given user is registered to, provided they have permission to view that user.
View the users that are registered to all courses
Allows the user to view all staff members available for all courses.

Dead end recording

This category gives users permissions related to dead-end recording. Only account administrators will need abilities in this section. Generally, this will be used only by upper administrators in areas which utilize dead end recordings.
Deletes a dead-end record group
Allows the user to delete a dead end record group.
Lists the comments for a specific dead end
Allows the user to view the comments made on dead end sessions.
Lists the recorded dead ends, if enabled
Allows the user to view the list of dead ends, provided dead end recording is enabled for the account.

Easy login

This category gives users abilities related to the landing page when SSO is not in use. This is a global setting and should be provided to account administrators.
Adds background image for the login
Allows the user to set the background image that all users will see when logging into an AccuCampus account not using SSO.


This category gives users abilities related to holidays. These are set globally, so only account administrators will need the ability to view or edit holidays. When a holiday is taking place, users will not be able to sign using kiosks or make appointments.
Save a list of holidays
Allows the user to create or edit holidays.
View all the entered holidays
Allows the user to view all holidays entered.
View the holiday suggestions in the given term
Allows the user to view the holiday suggestions for each term.


This category gives users the ability to request an extension of the AccuCampus license when it is close to expiring. Only account administrators will need this ability, as the Engineerica staff members will notify the account holders well in advance of the due date that the account is up for renewal.
Contact Engineerica in order to renew the AccuCampus subscription
Allows the user to select the option to contact Engineerica when the AccuCampus account is nearing its renewal date.


This category gives users abilities related to viewing, creating, editing, and deleting locations. Most users will need to perm,ission to search an view details of locations, but few will need to view the full list of locations. Area administrators may need the ability to edit a location, but only account administrators should be able to delete locations. Locations in general should not be deleted, only inactivated.
Delete a location
Allows the user to delete an existing location.
Save a location
Allows the user to create or edit a location.
View a location
Allows the user to search and view an individual location and its details.
View all the locations
Allows the user to view the list of all locations to which they are scoped.

Media item

This category gives users abilities related to checking media items in or out, as well as viewing, editing, and deleting media items. Staff members in areas which utilize media checkout may need the ability to check items in or out. Area administrators may need permissions to create, edit, and delete media items, which are scoped to individual locations.
Check in media item
Allows the user to check in a media item.
Check out media item
Allows the user to check out a media item.
Create or edit a media item
Allows the user to create or edit a media item.
Delete a media item
Allows the user to delete an existing media item.
Search and view details of a media item
Allows the user to view an individual media item and its details.
Search media item by unique code
Allows the user to search for media items by their unique code.
View a list of media items
Allows the user to view the list of all media items tied to locations in which the user is scoped.
View a list of past media checkouts
Allows the user to view a list of all past checkouts
View details of a media checkout log
Allows the user to view a media item's checkout history.
View details of a media item checkout information
Allows the user to view a media item's checkout information.

Media type

This category gives users abilities related to media types. Media types are global across the account, so only account administrators will need the ability to create, edit, or delete media types. Any user who may interact with media items will likely need permission to search and view details of an individual media type.
Create or edit a media type
Allows the user to create or edit a media type.
Delete a media type
Allows the user to delete an existing media type.
Search and view details of a media type
Allows the user to view a media type and its details.
View a list of media types
Allows the user to view the list of all media types.

Memorized report

This category gives users abilities related to memorized reports. Memorized reports save a report's filters set by the user. Since memorized reports are viewable only by the user, any user who can pull reports should also be able to memorize reports.
Create or edit a memorized report
Allows the user to create or edit a memorized report for themselves.
Delete memorized report
Allows the user to delete a memorized report that they have created.
View a list of all his memorized reports
Allows the user to view the list of all memorized reports that they have created.
View details of a memorized report
Allows the user to view an individual memorized report and its details.


This category gives users abilities related to the notifications automatically sent out through AccuCampus. These are global settings, so only account administrators will need these permissions.
Delete a notification
Allows the user to delete an existing notification.
Send notifications on screen, via email or text to users
Allows the user to send notifications to other users through the Send Message link.
View a list of all sent notifications
Allows the user to view the list of all sent notifications.

Notification topic

This category gives users abilities related to notification topics. Notification topics are use to categorize notification and usually reflect the entity from which the notifications will originate. These permissions are global and should be granted to very few administrators.
Create or edit a notification topic
Allows the user to create and edit a notification topic.
Delete a notification topic
Allows the user to delete an existing notification topic.
List all the notification topics
Allows the user to view the list of all notification topics.
Search and view details of a notification topic
Allows the user to view an individual notification topic and its details.

Qr labels

This category provides the permission to print and email QR labels for events. Only users who manage an area's events need permissions in this category.
Print QR labels
Allows the user to generate a printable PDF of QR labels containing user Card Numbers to be emailed to users and used as attendance tracking for events.

Quick panel

This category gives users abilities related to quick panel widgets on the home page. Users given these permissions will only be able to make Quick Panels viewable to the roles they have been given permission to view.
Deletes a widget from the Quick Panel
Allows the user to delete a widget that has been added to the Quick Panel.
Lists all the widgets that are added in the Quick Panel
Allows the user to view the widgets that have been added to the Quick Panel.
Saves a widget for the Quick Panel
Allows the user to save a widget to the Quick Panel.
View details of a widget included in the Quick Panel
Allows the user to view a widget added in as Quick Panel.


This category gives users abilities related to moderating pending ratings and comments. Only upper administrators for individual areas should have permissions in this category.
Allows the user to accept or reject a comment
Allows the user to approve or reject a comment or rating.
Shows a list of the ratings and comments that are pending for moderation
Allows the user to view the list of pending ratings and comments.


This category gives users abilities related to querying and viewing reports. Most user roles will need access to these permissions. If the user is scoped, they will only be able to pull reports for locations to which they are scoped, as well as reports for users which they have permission to view according to their role or roles.
Permissions by user report
Lists all the users in the system including their corresponding permissions.
Queries and loads a report in background and assigns (or unassigns) the specified tags to (from) the resulting users.
Allows the user to use a report to assign or unassign tags.
Queries and loads the specified report, in background.
Allows the user to run reports, in background, with the exception of attendance analytics reports.
Query and load a specified report
Allows the user to run reports with the exception of attendance analytics reports.
Query and load an attendance analytics report
Allows the user to query and load attendance analytics reports.
View all the available reports
Allows the user to view the complete list of available, canned reports.

Risk modeling

This category gives users abilities related to machine learning analytics, which in turn generate risk scores for students. While many staff and administrators will need the ability to view individual risk scores, only account administrators will need abilities to process and view risk assessment models.
Check the status of the analysis of a specified risk assessment model
Allows the user to check the status of a risk assessment model as it is being processed.
Create or edit a risk assessment model
Allows the user to create or edit a risk assessment model.
Delete a risk assessment model
Allows the user to delete a previously created risk assessment model.
Predict risk based on an assessment model
Allows a user to process a risk prediction from a risk assessment model that has processed.
Process a risk assessment model
Allows the user to process a risk assessment model once it has been created.
Refresh the information used in a risk assessment model
Allows the user to refresh a risk assessment model.
View a list of risk assessment models
Allows the user to view the full list of risk assessment models.
View all default term precedences
Allows the user to view the default term precedences used in a model.
View details of a risk assessment model
Allows the user to view an individual risk assessment model and its details.
View the risk score for a specific user
Allows the user to view the risk score of another user.

Rules and triggers

This category gives users abilities to create, edit, delete, and view rules. Rules are global and should be handled only by a few users who are skilled in their use. In order for a user to create a rule, they will need all permissions in this category.
Delete a rule
Allows the user to delete an existing rule.
Save a rule
Allows the user to create or edit a rule.
View a rule
Allows the user to view an individual rule and its details.
View a rule event type
Allows the user to view the trigger and its available conditions for the rule.
View all the rule actions available
Allows the user to view all the available rule actions.
View all the rule event types
Allows the user to view a list of available triggers for rules.
View all the user rules
Allows the user to view the list of all rules.


This category gives users abilities related to staff availability and schedules. Area administrators that wish to use appointments or allow users to select staff members at the sign-in station will need access to these permissions. If the area wishes to allow staff members to set their own availability, those staff members will need permissions in this category as well. All permissions are governed by view and edit permissions on roles. If a user does not have edit permissions on a role, they will not be able to exercise these permissions even when granted.
Create or edit a block in current user's schedule
Allows the user to create or edit a schedule shift in their own availability.
Create or edit a schedule slot
Allows the user to create or edit a schedule slot of another user.
Delete a schedule slot
Allows the user to delete a schedule slot from another user.
Delete a specific block from a user's own schedule
Allows the user to delete a schedule block from their own availability.
Enable or disable current user's schedule
Allows the user to enable or disable a schedule for himself.
Enable or disable the schedule for a specific person
Allows the user to enable or disable a schedule for another user.
Search and view details of a specific schedule slot
Allows the user to view the details of schedule shifts for any user role that the user has permission to view.
Search available schedule slots by service, event, date
Allows users to search available slots when making appointments.
Search available schedule slots by service, event, date and/or staff
Allows users to search available slots when making appointments.
Search available staff members slots by service, event, and/or date
Allows users to search available staff when making appointments.
View a list of schedule information of a specified person
Allows the user to view the schedule shifts for user roles that the user has permission to access.
View current user's schedule exceptions
Allows the user to view their own schedule exceptions.
View current user's schedule information
Allows the user to view their own schedule.
View details of a specific schedule block, for current user
Allows the user to view the details of their own schedule shifts.

Scheduled report

This category gives users abilities related to scheduled reports. Scheduled reports automatically email out a memorized report at a scheduled time set by the user. Since scheduled reports are only viewable by the user that created them, any user who can pull reports should also be able to schedule reports.
Create or edit a report schedule
Allows the user to create or edit a scheduled report.
Delete a report schedule
Allows the user to delete a scheduled report that they created.
Get a report schedule
Allows the user to view the list of reports that they scheduled.
View a list of the scheduled reports
Allows the user to view a list of the scheduled reports.


This category gives users abilities to roles and role mappings. This is set on a global level, so only account administrators should have access to these permissions.
Delete a role
Allows the user to delete a role from the list of available roles.
Delete a role mapping
Allows the user to delete a role from its mapped categories on the 'Role Mapping' page.
Save a role
Allows the user to create or edit a role's permissions.
Saves a role mapping
Allows the user to add a role to a mapped category on the 'Role Mapping' page.
Upgrade a user to another role (requires permission to edit those roles)
Allow the user to add a role to another user, given that he has access to view that other user and edit people with that new role.
View a role
Allows the user to view a role and its details.
View all the role templates
Allows the user to view the full list of available role templates.


This category gives users permissions related to viewing, creating, editing, and deleting semesters. Most users will need to view individual semesters, but as this is a global setting, only account administrators should be able to create and edit semesters. Generally, unless there is no data in a semester and it was created erroneously, a semester should NEVER be deleted.
Create and edit semesters
Allows the user to create and edit terms.
Delete a semester
Allows the user to delete a term from the existing list.
View a semester
Allows the user to view a term and its details.
View all semesters
Allows the user to view the full list of existing term.


This category gives users permissions related to viewing, creating, editing, and deleting events. Most users will need the ability to view events in order to register for them, but only area administrators should be able to create, edit, or delete events.
Create or edit a event
Allows the user to create or edit a event.
Delete an event
Allows the user to delete an existing event.
Search and view details of a event
Allows the user to view a event and its details.
View a list of events
Allows the user to view the full list of events in the past, present, and future.

Seminar registration

This category gives users permissions related to event registration. Most users will need the ability to register themselves for events, but only staff should be able to register other users, and only area administrators should be able to see who is registered.
Get the settings for session registration
Allows the user to view a event's session registration settings.
List the sessions available for a specific event
Allows the user to view all the sessions available for a recurring event.
Lists the registrations for a specific session
Allows the user to view the registration for a specified event session.
Lists the registrations for a specific user
Allows the user to view the session registrations for a specified user, provided they have the ability to view that user.
Register current user to an event session
Allows the user to register themselves for an event.
Register users for events
Allows the user to register another user for an upcoming event.
Removes a user from an event session
Allows the user to un-register another user from an event.
Save the settings for an event's session registration
Allows the user to save the settings for an event.
Unregister current user from an event session
Allows the user to un-register themselves from an event.
View a list of upcoming event sessions
Allows the user to view the full list of upcoming events.
View a list of upcoming sessions of a particular event
Allows the user to view the upcoming recurring sessions of a specified event.


This category gives users permissions related to viewing, creating, editing, and deleting services. Most users will need to search and view details of services, but only account administrators will need the ability to create or edit services. Since services are global, even if they are tied to locations, account administrators should be the only ones with permissions to view all services.
Delete a service
Allows the user to delete a service from the existing list.
Save a service
Allows the user to create or edit a service.
View a service
Allows the user to view an individual service and its details.
View all the services
Allows the user to view the full list of existing services.

Service availability

This category gives users permissions related to enabling, disabling, or viewing service availability. Most users will need to be able to search and view the availability of services, but only account administrators and should be given the ability to enable or disable services from a location.
Enable a service in a specific location
Allows the user to enable a service in a location to which they are scoped.
Remove a service from a location
Allows the user to disable a service from a location to which they are scoped.
View all the locations where a service is available
Allows the user to view a list of locations in which a service is available.
View all the services enabled for a specific location
Allows the user to view a list of services available in a location to which they are scoped.


This category gives users abilities related to account settings not specified elsewhere on the permissions list, as well as the ability to add a logo to the account. Only account administrators should be given this access.
Add a logo to the account
Allows the user to add the logo for the account, which appears on all pages on the AccuCampus browser version.
Save settings for the account or the specified scope
Allows the user to affect settings that are not specified elsewhere in permissions. This includes Attendance, Appointments, Compass, Media, and Social Activity.
View general settings for the account
Allows the user to view the settings' general section.


This category gives users abilities related to viewing, creating, deleting, and installing sign-in stations. Only area administrators and staff members who absolutely need to install sign-in stations should be given permissions in this category. Students may still sign into a station without viewing permissions.
Delete a sign-in station
Allows the user to delete a sign-in station from the list of existing sign-in stations that they can view based on their scope.
Save a class attendance sign-in station for myself
Allows the user to create a class attendance sign-in station for a course for which they are available as staff.
Save a sign-in station
Allows the user to create, edit, or install a sign-in station based in an area to which they are scoped.
View a sign-in station
Allows the user to view an individual sign-in station and its details.
View all the sign-in stations
Allows the user to view the list of sign-in stations, limited to the stations in the locations to which they are scoped.
View the sign-in station settings of a specified location
Allows the user to view the location settings of a sign-in station.

Single sign-on

This category gives users abilities related to setting up the account's Single Sign-On feature. Only account administrators should have this permission.
Edit single sign-on settings.
Allows the user to edit settings for single sign-on.
Generate/reset single sign on access key.
Allows the user to generate or reset the access key for single sign-on.
View single sign on settings.
Allows the user to view settings for single sign-on.

Staff availability

This category gives users abilities related to staff availability for services. Area administrators that wish to use appointments or have students select staff members at the sign-in station will need access to these permissions. If the area wishes to allow staff members to set their own availability, those staff members will need permissions in this category as well.
Associate a user to a service
Allows the user to make a staff member available for a service.
Associate a user to all services
Allows the user to make a staff member available for all services.
Associate current user to a service
Allows the user to associate themselves to a service, provided they have a staff role.
Associate current user to all services
Allows the user to associate themselves to all services, provided they have a staff role.
Change current user's availability type
Allows the user to make themselves available for walk ins, appointments, or both.
Make a staff member available for a specific availability type
Allows the user to set a staff member as available for walk ins, appointments, or both.
Remove a user from a service
Allows the user to remove a staff member's service availability.
Remove current user from a service
Allows the user to disassociate themselves from a service, provided they have a staff role.
Remove current user from all services
Allows the user to disassociate themselves from all services, provided they have a staff role.
Removes a staff member from the registration to all services
Allows the user to remove a staff member's availability to all services.
View all the services that a user is registered to
Allows the user to view the list of services that a staff member is available for.
View all the users that are registered to a specific service
Allows the user to view all staff members who are available for a service.
View the services the current user is available for
Allows the user to view a list of services that they are associated with.


This category gives users abilities related to tags. In general, very few users will need the ability to tag users, which are associated with user groups, profile items, and attendance restrictions.
Create or edit a tag
Allows the user to create or edit a tag.
Delete a tag
Allows the user to delete an existing tag.
Search for tags in the account
Allows the user to search for tags.
View a list of entities that can be tagged
Allows the user to view the list of user roles that can be tagged, according to that tag's settings.
View a list of tags
Allows the user to view the list of tags.
View details of a specified tag
Allows the user to click on and view the settings for a tag.

Template (badge and certificate)

This category gives users abilities related to creating and generating badges and certificates, used mostly for event tracking. Only area administrators should be able to design badges. Some staff members may need to be able to generate badges.
Add an image to a template
Allows the user to add an image to a badge or certificate template.
Delete a template
Allows the user to delete an existing template.
Generate specified templates
Allows the user to generate an existing template as badges or certificates.
Save a template
Allows the user to create or edit a template.
Save the layout of a template
Allows the user to edit a template's layout.
Send generated templates by email
Allows the user to send generated templates via email through AccuCampus.
View a template
Allows the user to view a template and its details.
View all the defined templates
Allows the user to view the full list of created templates.
View all the templates' data sources
Allows the user to see tokens to be used in the template
View generated templates
Allows the user to view templates which have been generated as badges or certificates.


This category gives users the ability to edit translations for the account. This should be given to only account administrators, as this affects the account on a global level.
Edit a translation
Allows the user to edit a translation for the entire account.


This category gives users permissions related to users. Many users will need to be able to edit their own password, but only account administrators will need to be able to create or edit users. Users should not be deleted as a general rule, unless they were created erroneously and have no data associated with them.
Change user's own password
Allows the user to change their own password.
Delete a user
Allows the user to delete a user.
Finds similar users to prevent duplicates
Allows the user to be warned if a user they are creating has the same card number as another user.
Save a user
Allows the user to create or edit a user.
Search user by card number
Allows the user to search for a user by their card number.
Send email to the specified user(s) to set/change their passwords
Allows the user to trigger an email to another user asking them to set or change their password.
Upload a photo for a specific user
Allows the user to upload a photo for a user.
View a user
Allows the user to search and view a user and their details.
View all the users
Allows the user to view the full list of users and is based on role permissions.

User group

This category gives users permissions related to user groups. Groups are created for specific users and can be shared with other users roles or kept private to the individual user. Most users with reporting permissions should also have group permissions. Exceptions are for assigning and unassigning tags. Permissions with tags should be reserved for account administrators.
Add a user to a group
Allows the user to add a user to a group that they have permission to edit.
Assign tags to the members of a specified group
Allows the user to assign tags to the users of a group that they have permission to edit.
Delete a group
Allows the user to delete a group that they have permission to edit.
Refresh the dynamic group
Allows the user to refresh a dynamic group that they have permission to edit.
Remove a user from a group
Allows the user to remove a user from a group that they have permission to edit.
Save a group
Allows the user to create a new group or edit a group that they have permission to edit.
Unassign tags from the members of a specified group
Allows the user to unassign tags to the users of a group that they have permission to edit.
View a user group
Allows the user to view a user group and its details.
View all the user groups
Allows the user to view the list of groups that they have permission to view.
View the groups which a user is registered to
Allows the user to view the groups an individual user is registered to, based on group and user permissions.
View the members of a user group
Allows the user to view the list of users in a group that they have permission to view.

User profile

This category gives users abilities related to user profiles. Students may need access if an account profile needs their input. Otherwise, only staff and administrators need access here. Individual profile levels also determine which roles can view or edit which profiles.
Delete a user profile
Allows the user to delete a profile from the list of profiles that they have permission to edit.
Gets the list of all the available user questions
Allows the user to view the list of questions in a profile that they have permission to view.
Gets the statistics of a user group
Allows the user to view the demographic statistics of a user group.
Save the list of user profiles
Allows the user to create or edit a user profile.
Saves the profile for a specific (or current) user. Additional security applies on a per questionnaire basis.
Allows the user to edit a profile for a user, provided they have permission to edit that user and profile.
Shows the profile for a specific (or current) user, based on each profile questionnaire questions.
Allows the user to view a profile for a user, provided they have permission to view that user and profile.
View specific user profiles
Allows the user to view individual user profiles and their details, provided they have permission to view that profile.
View the list of user profiles
Allows the user to view the full list of profiles that they have permission to view.

Waiting line

This category gives users permissions related to waiting lines. Only area administrators should have permissions related to creating or editing waiting lines, but some staff roles will need the ability to manage the waiting line.
Create or edit a waiting line
Allows the user to create or edit a waiting line in a location to which they are scoped.
Delete a waiting line
Allows the user to delete an existing waiting line, provided it is in a location that the user is scoped to.
Remove a user from a waiting line
Allows the user to remove a user from a waiting line, provided they have permission to access that waiting line.
Sign a user in from a waiting line
Allows the user to sign a user in from a waiting line, provided they have permission to access that waiting line.
View a list of waiting lines
Allows the user to view the list of waiting lines in locations to which they are scoped.
View details of a waiting line
Allows the user to view the details of a waiting line in a location to which they are scoped.

Waiting line (remote access)

This category gives users permissions related to virtual waiting lines. Users will need these permissions in order to add themselves to or remove themselves from waiting lines via the AccuCampus mobile app.
Add myself to a waiting line
Allows the user to add themselves to a waiting line from the AccuCampus mobile app.
Remove myself from a waiting line
Allows the user to remove themselves from a waiting line in the AccuCampus mobile app.