How do I set up a Manual Kiosk sign-in station in AccuCampus?

How do I set up a Manual Kiosk sign-in station in AccuCampus?

This article explains how to set up a Manual Kiosk sign-in station. A Manual Kiosk is used to manually select the course, event or activity that multiple users are signing in for. This could be used for an event or course. 

1. From the Main Sidebar, hover over Center Visits.

2. Click Sign-in Stations.

Click Create New.

Enter the Station Name. This is used to identify the sign-in station in the list of stations in AccuCampus. We recommend that this be specific and unique.

Enter the Title – this is what will show to the user when they approach the sign-in station. It can be the same as the Station Name, or a different name if desired.

Enter the Instructions – these will display to the user as they approach the sign-in station.

Choose a Tracking Mode.

Center Attendance is used for centers, departments, or other entities and allows users to select services, courses, advisors, etc. based on the settings below.

Class Attendance is used for individual courses and signs in the user based on the schedule for the location.

Choose Manually Selected as the Sign-in/Out Mode.

9. Add an Admin Passcode. This will allow any users with the passcode to change the event or quickly sign-in users. 

NOTE: When choosing a passcode, make sure it is noted and shared with the appropriate staff members. If the passcode is lost, it cannot be recovered. If you do not set a passcode, then ANY user, including students, would be able to use this feature.

If desired, set the following information to display on the sign-In station screen once a user signs-in. You can choose the length of time that the information will display.

Show Visitor IDs – shows the user’s card number

Show Visitor Names – shows the user’s name

Show Visitor Photos – shows the user’s photo (if imported into AccuCampus)

11. If desired, c
hoose the Location where the sign-in station will be used.  The location selected will determine which events appear on the station.

If desired, add a Survey to display upon sign-out.

If desired, enable a Beacon as the sign-in station. You must first create a Beacon Profile before enabling this feature.

There are two options for saving the sign-in station.

Save & Install Here – saves the sign-in station and displays it within the browser you are using once you log out of AccuCampus.

Save without Installing – saves the sign-in station only. This allows you to create the sign-in station on one device, but deploy it on another device.