Accudemia: What should I do if the website will not load?
In Accudemia this may happen if your network connection to the Internet is not available. Please use these steps to verify your connectivity:
- Verify you can connect online to other websites
- Open your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, etc.)
- Type in the address bar on the computer you cannot access your Accudemia account.
- If the website loads test your Accudemia website again or contact us but if it did not load continue to step 2.
- Check your network connections (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
- Right-click on your network icon in the task tray and select Open Network and Sharing Center.

- If you see a red X on your network connection you can click on it to try to have windows automatically resolve it.
- If windows is unable to auto-resolve the issue you may need to click the Change Adapter Settings from the right side navigation options.
- Here you will see a complete list of your network connections. Right click on the network connect you are using to access the Internet and select Disable. You may have to verify your windows credentials to proceed.
- Once you have disabled the network adapter then right-click the network connection again and select Enable. you may have to verify your windows credentials again.
- If all goes well you may have resolved a temporary network issue.
- If you are still having trouble connecting to your network you will have to contact your ITS and/or networking department.
NOTE: If your ITS and/or networking department do not see an issue on campus you can also check the Accudemia Server Status: