The Field2Base Mobile Forms™ app allows a User to easily capture and securely send field data to the office from a device such as an Android tablet, Android phone, iPad, or iPhone. The Mobile Forms™ app offers a slightly different experience depending on the type of device used, but the main functionality is the same.
Once you have installed Mobile Forms™ on your device, you can access the app by single-tapping the Field2Base Mobile Forms™ icon. If you have not installed the Mobile Forms app on your device, you can refer to the Install and Upgrade Guides section of the Field2Base Help Center for steps on how to install and activate the app.
Main Menu
The Main Menu displays all of the primary functions for Mobile Forms. There are four major areas:
My Work, and
Sent. If you do not see all four sections, the Mobile Forms Administrator for your company may have disabled some sections as part of your company's
Custom Configurations.
A. Last Sync - Field2Base is synchronizing data from your device to the Field2Base cloud as it finds connectivity. Last Sync displays the last time the Mobile Forms™ app synchronized with the Field2Base cloud. You can tap on the icon to sync your device if your device is currently connected.

Note: If you are sending Forms from the device and they are not being received, you should check the Last Sync time on the Main Menu to ensure that your device is communicating with the Field2Base cloud.
B. Menu Icon - The menu icon will quickly display the logged in User instead of going into the Settings. You can also "Delete All Drafts" or "Delete All Sent Forms" when you are in the corresponding section.
C. Folder - You can narrow down your list of Forms to a specific Folder by choosing that Folder from the Folder drop-down.
D. Search - You can easily search for a specific Form by typing in part of the Form Name.
E. Sort - You can sort your Forms by clicking on the Sort button.
- In the Blank Forms section, you can sort by Name, Publish Date, or Most Recently Used.
- In the Drafts section, you can sort by Name or Last Modified.
- In the My Work section you can sort by Name, Newest, Oldest or Priority.
- In the Sent Forms section, you can sort by Name or Sent Date.
F. Settings - Click Settings to view information in "About Mobile Forms", manage your contacts in "Address Book", change your "Default Pen Options", and change your "Default Start Screen".
- About Mobile Forms
- Displays the software version of Mobile Forms™ that you are currently running
- Mobile Forms Activation ID
- Field2Base Username this device is assigned to
- Company Name
- Company ID
- Build you are using
Address Book - Allows you to save additional Recipients for your Forms who are not included in the Optional Recipients for your company. The Address Book is local to your device.
Tap on the add contact icon in the bottom right corner to add a new contact.
Single tap any contact to open the Edit Contact dialog box to edit or delete a contact.
- Tap on the menu icon in the upper right to delete multiple checked contacts, import and export contacts.
- Default Pen Options - You are able to change the default pen color, pen size, or eraser size when using ink in Pen Regions by single tapping any of the options.
- Default Start Screen - You are able to change which section of the main menu is displayed when Mobile Forms™ app is launched. By default, the app will always display the Blank section.
G. Log Out (optional) - T
he Mobile Forms Administrator for your company has the ability to enable the Log Out button as part of your company's Custom Configurations. If enabled, you have the option to log out of Mobile Forms™ to allow a different User to log in. Once logged out, you must know your Field2Base username and password to log back in.
Tap on the Blank icon to display the digital Forms that are available for you to open and start filling out.
To open a Form, single tap the Form you wish to start filling out.
You can tap on the arrow to the left of a Form name to see the Folder and the last date the Form was published. This can be helpful if you want to make sure you are filling out the most recent version of a Form.
Note: You can hold your device in Landscape or Portrait orientation. The Mobile Forms™ app will automatically resize your Form to fit your preferred screen orientation. If your screen does not rotate, consult your device manual to enable screen rotation in the device settings. Depending on your Form design, using the Landscape orientation can be helpful as it allows the Regions to be larger and easier to interact with.
Single tap a Region on the Form to enter or edit information. Select the Done button on the keyboard (if available) or tap off the highlighted Region to complete your entry. The Mobile Forms Administrator for your company has the ability to replace the Done button with a Return button as part of your company's Custom Configurations if multi-line text is needed.

Hint: You can use Voice to Text recognition to dictate sentences into a Text Region. Simply tap on the microphone button on the keyboard.
Erasing a Region Value
Press and hold on the Region you wish to erase until you see a second command to Erase region value (Android) or Erase (iOS) then single tap.
Changing Pages
Use left and right swipe gesture on the screen as though you are turning the page of book to navigate through pages of a Form. Some Forms may have page navigation disabled as part of the Form design in which case so you will need to use the navigation buttons built in to the Form. Some Forms are designed to have both swiping and page navigation buttons as options to navigate the Form.
Single tap on Menu (iOS) or the three ellipses (Android) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen then select the Send option.
Your Form may contain required Regions applied during Form design. These Regions need to be filled before the Form can be sent. If any of these Regions are empty, Mobile Forms will alert you when you attempt to send the Form and show you all of the Regions that need to be completed. You can tap on a specific Region in the list and the app will highlight that Region on the Form. Once you have filled out all of the required Regions, you will be able to send the Form.
You can select Recipients for your Form from the Optional Recipients list. The list of Optional Recipients includes all enabled Recipients with access to the Folder that the Form belongs to. Optional Recipients are set through User and Recipient settings in the Mobile Forms Portal. See the article, Managing Users and Recipients, for more information on managing your Optional Recipients list.
Select a Recipient from the list by single tapping their name. (This will place a blue checkmark next to their name indicating the individual email recipient has been selected.) You can deselect a Recipient by single tapping their name a second time.

Hint: You can narrow down your list of Optional Recipients by using the Search bar.
You can add new Recipients manually if they are not included in your list of Optional Recipients.
1. Type the Email address in the Email field.
2. Select the + button.

Hint: You can check the "Add to Address Book" checkbox if you want to add this email to your list of Recipients for future use. Your Address Book is local to your device. See the Settings section of this article for information on managing your Address Book for Mobile Forms.
Any Form you started and saved as a Draft to complete later is available in the Drafts section. The notification icon displays your number of Drafts.

Warning: Drafts are saved to your local Device only. If your Device is lost or damaged or if you need to uninstall the Mobile Forms app for any reason, you will lose your Drafts since they have not yet been submitted to the Field2Base system. We strongly recommend not keeping Drafts for extended periods of time. Please contact the Professional Services team at
f2bps@field2base.com for recommendations on how to use
Custom Workflow to keep working on the same Form while saving your work in the Field2Base system.
Opening a Draft
To open a saved Draft, single tap the Draft that you wish to complete. You can click on the arrow to the left of the Draft name to view the Form Template, Folder Name, the date and time when the Draft was last modified and the date and time when the Draft was created. This can be helpful if you want to make sure you are opening the correct Draft.
Deleting a Draft
If you no longer need a saved Draft, swipe left on the Draft you want to delete then tap the Delete button (iOS) or trash can icon (Android) that appears on the right. To delete all Drafts, single tap on the Menu (iOS) or the three ellipses (Android) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen then select "Delete All Drafts".
My Work
You can view any Work Orders that have been dispatched to you with prefilled information. For example, a Work Order could include the customer’s information already filled out by the home office. Please refer to the article on Dispatching Work Orders from the Portal for details on how to prefill and dispatch Work Orders. The notification icon displays your number of Work Orders.
Opening a Work Order
1. Tap the Work order you wish to complete. You can click on the arrow to the left of the Work Order name to view when it was created and the associated address (if available). This can be helpful to make sure you are opening the correct Work Order.
2. Fill out any additional information on the Form.
3. Submit the Form once it is complete. If you back out of the Form, it will be saved in your Drafts section and will no longer appear in your Work Order section.
Address Options for Work Orders
If the Work Order includes an address, you can get turn-by-turn navigation to that address using the default mapping app for your device.
Tap on the navigation icon next to the Work Order title to start navigation. If you click and hold the Work Order title, you will get the options to "Map this location" or "Start navigation".
All the Forms that you have sent from your device are displayed in the Sent section. The default length of time to keep Sent Forms is 90 days but your company may have a different time period. The Mobile Forms Administrator for your company has the ability to change the time period that Sent Items are kept as part of your company's
Custom Configurations.
The status of each Sent Form is displayed so that you can view if the form has been uploaded to the Field2Base system.
- If uploaded, you will see the
icon to the right of the Sent Form. You will also see a status of “Uploaded” underneath the Sent Form.
- Forms that have not been submitted to the Field2Base cloud yet will have an
icon to the right with a status of “Uploading”.
You can click on the arrow to left of the Form name to view the Form Template, the Folder Name, the date and time your Form was sent and the date and time your Form was initially created.
Note: If your device is not connected when you send a Form, it should automatically upload once it has service again. This typically happens in the background even if you have the Mobile Forms app closed but there are instances where you will need to open the app. Once you have service, we recommend opening the Mobile Forms app to verify that all your Forms have been sent.
1. Tap the Form that you wish to open and view.
2. You can Quick Copy, Delete and View Recipients for your open Form from the Menu (iOS) or the three ellipses (Android) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Note: You can only view a Sent Form, you can no longer modify it once it has been completed and sent.Quick Copy
The Quick Copy feature allows the user to create a new Draft with Region values from a previously Sent Form. F
or example, a User who visits the same location on multiple days can use Quick Copy to automatically populate customer information. Please refer to the article on How to Use Quick Copy for more information.
1. Press and hold on the Sent Form name.
2. Select Delete.
3. To delete all Sent Forms, single tap on the Menu (iOS) or the three ellipses (Android) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen then select "Delete All Sent Forms".
Viewing Recipients
1. Press and hold on the Sent Form name.
2. Select View Recipients.