There is no power to the GRIP screen.

There is no power to the GRIP screen.

If there is no power to the GRIP screen, please:
  1. Check battery voltage to ensure it is above 9 volts or there may not be enough power to turn the screen on. Charge the battery as necessary.
  2. Open the fuse holders for the main power harness at the solenoid and check to see if they are present. If they are, check the fuses and make sure they are good.
  3. Make sure that the main power harness is connected securely to the main harness connector.
  4. Make sure that the main harness connectors are securely placed into the controller.
  5. Check to make sure that the screen harness is connected properly on the back of the screen and at the main harness.
  6. The connections at the ignition need to be verified. All pin locations must be correct. Verify this using GRIP Ignition Detail Sheet.