Where can I find contractors and handyman contacts?

Where can I find contractors and handyman contacts?

HomeAdvisor and NextDoor are two valuable resources for finding contractors to facilitate property repairs and upkeep.

HomeAdvisor.com is a contractor-matching service that connects homeowners with professionals who can help with home improvement projects such as carpentry, electrical work, foundation crack repair, vinyl siding installation, or plumbing repairs, as well as other general home-related projects like house cleaning, tree trimming, and lawn care. HomeAdvisor has also emerged as a provider of content about home improvement, chiefly through its True Cost Guides. These guides provide real-world cost information for a wide range of home projects.

NextDoor.com connects neighbors to each other — and to everything nearby: Local businesses, services, news updates, recommendations and stuff for sale from the people down the block. Building connections in the real world is a universal human need. That truth, and the reality that neighborhoods are among the most important communities in our lives, have been guiding principles for Nextdoor since the beginning.

Submitted by: Team Member Sara