How to reset the SuperWalzCAM Camera

How to reset the SuperWalzCAM Camera

To reset the SuperWalzCAM Camera please do the following:

Step-by-step guide

  1. Connect to the camera using TeamViewer or UVNC (default IP address is and switching the Windows O/S off. After that please remove the power cord from the camera. Wait a few seconds then plug the power cord into the connector again.
  2. Access the ANPR Manager and go to Camera TAB (Config / Cameras) and push the “Add new Camera” and associate one of the 2 camera to the Source. Do the same for the 2nd camera. At the end off the process you will find in the Video Cameras sub-menu on the top/left side of the TAB, 2 cameras:
    [1] New Camera0
    [2] New camera1
    Press Apply when you have finished the setup
  3. Move to Lanes TAB (Config / Lanes) and push the button Add new. Then use the arrow button to move the camera from the left submenu (Cameras not yet assigned) to the Lane1 you have created.
    Move both cameras to Lane1 then indicate in the ANPR camera dropdown menu which one is the ANPR camera, so the remaining one will be used as color overview camera.