CSV Import

CSV Import

How to Import a CSV Inventory File Into Inventory Wolf

Note that importing replaces the current inventory with the inventory in the CSV file
Method 1
The easiest way is: from the Inventory tab, tap the upper-right menu, then tap Import...

Method 2
You can also send files to Inventory Wolf to import. 
  1. From where the CSV file is – email attachment, Files, Google Drive, etc – tap the file and choose to Share or Send it. Sometimes you need to tap-and-hold to get a Share option.
    1. In iOS, the Send icon looks like

    2. In Google Drive, the Send menu item looks like
  2. In the resulting dialog, find the Inventory Wolf app and tap it. You may have to look under “More…” to find it.
  3. The Inventory Wolf app will open and ask if you’re sure before replacing its current inventory with that of the backup file.

The CSV File Format

This applies to Inventory Wolf version 1.1.15 or later
Here is a sample Inventory Wolf CSV inventory file: inventory_wolf_sample.csv
You can also export a CSV inventory file from Inventory Wolf to use.
Each row describes an Item. Here's a description of each of the fields:
  1. Cache - Where the item is located, for example, Basement, or Bug-out bag 1, or Ford Escape, etc. This corresponds to the Caches tab in the Inventory Wolf app.
  2. Category - The top-level classification of the item, for example, Food, or Shelter, or Communications, etc.
  3. SubCategory - Comma-separated list of increasingly specific item classifications. This field combines with Category to form the complete Category tree for the item. This field can be blank.
    Some examples:
    1. Category: Food, SubCategory: <blank> puts the item under the Food Category:
    2. Category: Food, SubCategory: Canned puts the item under Canned, a sub-category under Food:
    3. Category: Shelter, SubCategory: Clothing,Gloves puts the item under Gloves, a sub-category under Clothing, which is a sub-category under Shelter:
  4. Item - The name of the Item, for example, Carrots, Canned, 14 oz, or Hand sanitizer, 8 fl oz
  5. OnHand - A count of the number of this item currently in inventory. This must be an integer, ie, 0, 1, 2, etc - no fractions, ie, 1.25, 6.5, etc.
  6. Desired - The target or ideal number of this item you wish to have in your inventory. This must be an integer, just like the OnHand field.
  7. Units - Stock examples include: units, bags, bars, bottles, boxes, canisters, cans, coils, containers, docs, jars, kits, packages, packets, packs, pairs, rolls, sets, or tubes, but you can use whatever unit you like.
  8. Expires - The date at which this item expires. This field can be blank. Example acceptable date formats: 5/01/2025, 05/01/2025 2025-05-01, 1 May 2025, or even Fri, 1 May 2025.
    Note that any time information in the field will be discarded, so 05/01/2025 14:57:32.8 will be interpreted as 05/01/2025.
  9. Batches - Batches allows you to record multiple batches of the same item, each with its own quantity, expiration date, and optional label. Each batch in this field is separated by a semi-colon (;) and each batch is of the form: quantity:expiration-date:label where label is optional.
    The expiration-date must be of the form yyyy-mm-dd
    Some examples:
    1. 5 jars of Jiffy peanut butter expiring May 1, 2022 and 2 jars of Smuckers peanut butter expiring July 15, 2021:
    2. 2 boxes of cereal expiring December 1, 2021 and 5 boxes of cereal expiring February 15, 2022, leaving the label field blank:
  10. Notes - Whatever notes you'd like to keep about the item. This field can be blank.

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