What is Vibration

What is Vibration

Vibration is around us, everywhere. We are able to see some vibrations and some we are not able to see. Some vibrations we can feel, whereas some we can't. Well, then the question is - What is Vibration?
Vibration is defined as the to and fro motion of an object from its mean position of rest
Let us see some common examples of vibration in the real world:
The motion of the Pendulum in a Grandfather's clock is Vibration

The motion of a Suspended Spring Mass System when an External force is applied is vibration

Running Motors, Pumps, etc. have Vibration
While you can see or feel the motion of a pendulum and a suspended spring mass system, it is more difficult to see or feel the vibration of motors, pumps, fans, turbines, etc. because the amount of vibration is very small.
Thus, for measuring such small vibrations, vibration sensors and vibration meters are used.
The vibration is measured either by its displacement from its mean position, velocity (rate of change of displacement with time) or acceleration (rate of change of velocity with time)