Customize Confirmation Emails

Customize Confirmation Emails

Now that you've created your "Get the App" page on League Lab, you'll want to send that link to your players when they register for a league.

Copy the following text, and change the URL link to direct to your new "Get the App" page.

Add the text to your confirmation emails by pasting the text into your confirmation emails for each league you offer.  If you copy an existing league when you create new leagues in League Lab, this won't need to be changed going forward unless you'd like to do so.

Confirmation email settings can be found on the Registration tab in each League Lab league set-up area.

Captain Confirmation text:
To get started, download the Xoso app! The app allows you to get notifications (rainouts, results, league news, and more), chat with your teammates, receive discounts around town, and view team schedules & standings on your mobile device. Plus, it helps you as a Captain because players can RSVP for games in the app so you know who's coming and whether you need to register a sub player. Get the app here:

Individual Confirmation text:
To get started, download the Xoso app! The app allows you to get notifications (rainouts, results, league news, and more), chat with your teammates, receive discounts around town, and view team schedules & standings on your mobile device. Get the app here:

Warning! Do not replace all your existing confirmation email text! Simply paste in this paragraph in an appropriate spot to add to your confirmation text.

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