My BT-200 AirTurn pedal isn't configuring with OnSong.

My BT-200 AirTurn pedal isn't configuring with OnSong.

It is possible that your pedal is set in an improper mode. Try the following steps and see if they help you,

1. Reset your pedal to factory default. You can find the information needed in the manual: (pages 8, 9, and 13)

2. Configure your pedal, make sure that you are selecting the right mode. It will need to be in Mode 2. 

(The problem that you might be experiencing is that with this new series of pedals, you can't just change between modes. The device will hold onto the previous mode and the new mode, having two modes which will cause confusion. Therefore, you need to actually reset the pedal and set the mode you want.)

3. Once the pedal is configured in the Bluetooth menu, you can open OnSong > Tap the Foot Pedal icon on the menubar > Select the silhouette needed > Tap each pedal and assign an action. 

Additionally, you also have two other options...

1. You may need to download AirTurn's "AirTurn Manager" app from the App Store (it's free) and make sure that your pedal is using the latest firmware. 

2. If you recently updated your iOS, this may be the issue. You might have to reset your network settings. This would be the last thing I'd try, but sometimes this needed. You'd go into your device settings app > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings > Follow  prompts > Go back into bluetooth and then reconfigure your pedal. 

Let us know if you continue to have trouble. 
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